Dec 17, 2010

What's your favorite oracle card deck?

I love my angel cards. It's fun and harmless to ask the universe or the angels a question and pick a card for the answer. Everyone who comes over loves to draw a card. Me and Stacy have several different kinds of card decks spread around our homes in decorative baskets or bowls. We have decks from Louise Hay, Doreen Virtue, Abraham Hicks and more.


Each deck comes with a guidebook explaining the meaning of each card.

Today I'm drawing a card from the Ascended Masters Oracle Card Deck By Doreen Virtue with the intention of receiving advice from the angels for anyone who might read this post!

I drew the Teacher card. The teacher card has a beautiful illustration of Mahachohan Ragoczy on it.

Meaning: This card is about learning and teaching. You've learned a lot from your experiences and relationships, and now it's time to pass that knowledge along to others. Your current situation is bringing you opportunities for spiritual growth and teaching you some important life lessons. As soon as you understand and accept these lessons, old patterns will drop away and be replaced wonderful new experiences.


Doreen Virtue

What's your favorite card decks?
Written by: Carol Lawrence

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you liked the Facebook list...following you! Great blog!