Jul 29, 2016

Keeping An Eye On Your Kids Social Media Accounts

How much do you know about what your kids are doing online? Do you monitor their usage on their smart devices and on computers? Do you check usage or use filters to keep your kids from accessing information that might be inappropriate? Or do you just have honest conversations with under-age kids about smart online use?

Experts agree that you should be doing all those things and more. That’s because the internet, social media platforms, and smart devices are pervasive ways for kids to access things they shouldn’t be, or for teens to treat other teens in ways they shouldn’t be. They might be arguing online, which leads to fights in person. They might be losing friends or seeing content that is unseemly.

They’re doing that because almost all kids are getting online, each and every day. And nearly three-fourths of them have or have had access to smart phones.

Use this graphic to get to know your kids and the world of smart phones, online access, and social media even better.

We hope this clarifies some ways you can help your children stay safe online.
Click on graphic to enlarge. 

Source: Fix.com Blog