May 21, 2019

Green Traveling 101: How to Be More Sustainable on Your Next Family Trip

Traveling with the whole family is a great way to make fun memories that will last forever. With 95 percent of all Americans living within an hour's drive of a navigable body of water, there are plenty of vacation opportunities available. So whether it's to the 596 square miles of Oahu or just a few hours away from home, every family should try to travel at some point. But oftentimes, traveling can result in a lot of waste, which can be harmful to the environment. So if you're looking for easy ways to travel and be more eco-friendly, keep reading for some great tips.

Use Reusable Items for Food and Drinks

One of the biggest forms of waste for travelers is food wrappers and drink containers. And while you obviously need to eat and drink throughout your trip, you can make a few small changes to do so in a more environmentally-friendly way. Bring resusable water bottles for each member of your family so you can fill them up with water and continue to use them for the entire trip -- this can eliminate waste like straws and plastic water bottles. As for food, consider packing snacks in reusable containers and bringing metal or bamboo cutlery to re-use as needed. When you're shopping for food along the way, try to buy in bulk so you can simply fill up the food containers you brought. Using reusable items will not only help you reduce waste, but you can save money along the way, too.

Shop Locally Wherever You Go

Wherever you travel to, there is bound to be plenty of options for you and your family to shop locally -- whether you're looking for food or souvenirs, shopping locally can be a great way to support the local community and be friendlier to the environment. Instead of shopping at places that have items shipped internationally, which is a major source of pollution and oil use, stick with the locals. Not only will your family get to experience the local culture, like shops along the 3,000 miles of coastline in Ireland, but you can take a small step to help the environment. All in all, this is a win-win situation.

Look for Green Accommodations

Booking a hotel or Air BandB is a major part of planning a trip. But if you take a little extra time to look for green accommodations, you can travel more sustainably. More and more eco-friendly accommodation options are becoming available all around the world. Whether it's a hotel that uses completely renewable energy sources or a building built from all steel, which is 100% recyclable, choosing the right accommodations can make a big difference. Or if possible, consider going camping -- camping uses very few resources and gives the whole family a chance to reconnect with nature. So instead of booking the first affordable hotel you find, try to find some more eco-friendly options.
You don't have to make drastic changes in your travel plans to be a little more sustainable. Consider these few simple tips to make your next family trip a little greener.

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