Nov 11, 2015


Guest Post By Ian Hawkins.

I had an interesting conversation with my daughter a while back. I was apologising for speaking to her with angry eyes and she said something so simple to me, and yet so powerful. “Dad, I don’t see any anger in your eyes, I only see kindness. It’s just your eyebrows that look a bit angry sometimes.” Brilliant! So while I was frustrated at myself for not bringing kind and loving body language, she was so beautifully reminding me that just because I had made a mistake, didn’t mean that I had angry eyes, it didn’t mean I was an angry person. What she saw was her “kind” Dad pulling an angry face.

Oct 14, 2015

Life is precious and can be gone in an instant. Do not waste a minute of it.

Guest post by Erin Taylor, author of 

Yes, you read that right. I was hit by a drunk driver last night. Thank God I walked away without a scratch, but needless to say, it was pretty scary. As you know well by now, I tend to write through my experiences in order to process them, so this will likely be a long but chocked-full post. Please read on if you will….

I was on my way to a school to meet my friend and colleague Sue DeCaro so that we could present part one of our Conscious Parenting series when the accident happened. I was in rush hour traffic on a very busy road. I was probably the 20th car stopped at a red light when out of nowhere, a car slammed into the back of my car. I called Sue right away to ask her to come pick me up where we were so that she could bring me to the workshop (because yes, I truly am that committed to the work that I do!). She immediately turned around to come to me. 

Oct 12, 2015

As Conscious Parents, We Must Accept The As-Is Of A Given Situation

Guest Post By Erin Taylor Author of,  

Leaving the grocery store this morning, I noticed a mom holding the hands of her two young children as she waited to cross the parking lot to get to her car. With the amount of information one can glean from a very short observation of another, it appeared that the mom seemed relaxed and peaceful, as did her two children.

As I reflected on this woman's demeanor, it got me to thinking about how I used to feel as mom of very young ones, and I believe that more often than not, I looked anything like this mom today; for I remember very often feeling stressed and unhappy, with a furrowed brow and all. I am certain that people who saw me must have wondered why I looked so tortured and miserable. This was unsettling to me, especially as a mom who had suffered the death of her first-born daughter. How can parenting be so difficult and stressful? Why is it so hard? And I felt guilty for not enjoying it more than I did, especially given my life experience.

Oct 9, 2015

Milton's Secret A Book by Eckhart Tolle Is Now Being Turned Into A Movie

You may remember when we reviewed and gave away a copy of Milton's Secret in November 2010. 

"Milton's Secret will take your child on an internalizing thought provoking journey. Milton seeks to utilize his own inner power. Through lessons learned from being in the now he's empowered to turn a negative scary situation into an eye opening positive engaging experience. Eckhart Tolle & Robert S. Friedman do an exceptional job teaching children how to see the light in others and live in the now." Carol Lawrence and Stacy Toten - Intentional Conscious Parenting 

We have some wonderful news to share with you. Milton's Secret is being made into a movie!

"Eckhart Tolle and Barnet Bain have a vision for Transformational Entertainment. Movies about conscious parenting and conscious living."

Sep 24, 2015

Be Strong By Bending

Many of you know Dr. Wayne Dyer transitioned from the physical realm to the spiritual realm this past month. We personally were greatly impacted by his wisdom. His knowledge will go on teaching humanity millenniums to come. 

A Tribute To Wayne Dyer. Watch now for free. 

Sep 3, 2015

Backpack Snacks: Budget Friendly Foods on the Go [INFOGRAPHIC]

This month's guest post is frrom FoodInsight.Org

We know the kiddo's are heading back to school. It's always a great idea to keep a list of snack and lunch ideas handy. We do encourage you to use handy reusable containers for your lunches to reduce waste. One of our favorites is Bentgo boxes.

The summer is winding down. Backpacks are filled, brand new notebooks, pens and pencils. But how good are backpacks at transporting your child's snacks to school? To keep that thirst for knowledge going all day, students need to keep themselves full and focused. Turns out, there are plenty of nutritious options to stuff in their knapsack. 

  • Trail mix is bite-sized and packed with protein & healthful fats   tweet
  • Add a handful of chocolate chips to your trail mix for a sweet boost of antioxidants   tweet
  • Cereal cups are easy to grab and go with ready made portions   (You can also use reusable containers to fill with nutritious cereal and granola.)
  • The fiber, protein, and whole grains in cereal cups keep kids feeling full   tweet
  • Cereal cups can be eaten with or without milk 
  • Top celery or carrots with nut butter, sprinkle with dried fruit like raisins to make Ants on a Log   tweet
  • Ants on a Log are fun for kids to make on their own!  tweet
  • Portable snack packs offer lots of different options in your grocery aisle 
  • Make your own portable snack packs by stacking turkey, ham, or pepperoni with cheese on whole wheat crackers   tweet
  • Yogurt cups, tubes, and smoothies are excellent source of protein & calcium   tweet
  • Yogurt cups, tubes, and smoothies are perfect for an energy boost before afternoon activity   tweet
  • Yogurt cups, tubes, and smoothies last up to 4 hours without refrigeration   tweet
5 Budget friendly foods that will survive a backpack and provide on-the-go nutrition (tweet) ensuring kids get the fuel they need without the muss or fuss
Trail Mix
Ants on a Log
Portable Snack Packs
Yogurt Cups, Tubes, & Smoothies
FoodInsight ( serves as a nutrition and food safety resource for consumers, health professionals, journalists, educators, government officials, and students. Food Insight provides important and timely resources on a variety of topics such as weight management, diet and nutrition, food safety, and food production.