Showing posts with label conscious parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conscious parenting. Show all posts

Aug 15, 2024

Here Are A Few Questions To Ask Yourself Before Making Your Next Purchase

I'm constantly purging old clothes, unwanted items and making sure my homes energy can flow. When I'm amidst of too much clutter I feel flustered, stuck, and irritable. 

My wish is that if your are feeling the same way you'll ponder why and ask yourself these questions before your next shopping trip. 

Reminder, your kids can feel overwhelmed by their environment too. 😉

Here are a few questions to ask yourself before making your next purchase ....

- Do I really need this?

- Do I really want this?

- Does my child really need another new toy right now?

- Do I have space for this at home?

- Am I already paying to store extra stuff in storage?

- Am I shopping just to spend money, avoid feelings, or for another unconscious reason?

- Am I shopping again to avoid taking care of tasks that need to be done?

- Am I buying my child another item to avoid a meltdown from not setting healthy shopping boundaries?

#consciousshopping #consciousliving #reducingclutter

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Apr 30, 2024

Teaching Children About The Power Of Their Minds

The following is an excerpt from our eBook, 10 Ways To Parent Consciously; Parenting In The New Paradigm.

Teaching children the power of their thoughts and how to create different outcomes. 

Children are very tuned in to their own needs. The foods they like or don't like, the people they feel comfortable and uncomfortable around. There are reasons for this. They are not being difficult or snobs. They are unaware of this type of behavior until parents, school, society, or friends teach it to them. 

Change is always constant. Teach valuable tools on how to roll with change. Change can be scary for most humans. Their comfort zone is their safe zone. What they don't realize, is that changing something or even going after something they want or feel could be their pot of gold. Their pot of gold could be mental, physical, spiritual, or financial. Some people become stagnant and paralyzed with life until they realize the gift that comes out of change can be freedom. Usually, children are resilient and adapt to change much easier than adults due to their ability to live more in the present moment. 

Teaching Children Gratitude is All About Their Attitude

Teaching children gratitude is all about their attitude but more importantly it's about the parents attitude and the mirror image they portray to their children and the rest of the world to see.

Gratitude is such a brilliant gift that has been bestowed upon us if we choose it. The sophistication of this gift is simple. It is a choice. Be thankful for what you have, who you are and who you can be. It's all about perception. It doesn't matter what societal status you come from, what your wallet has in it or how you were culturally raised. Be thankful for what you have and feel right now in this exact moment in time. 

Feb 15, 2023

I Love You


Never assume your children know how much you love them. They need to hear those important words. "I Love You." Say it often.

Feb 4, 2023

Little Souls ~ A Quantum Parenting Tip


Children are little sponges. They absorb energy and mimic behaviors they learn from those around them and the shows they watch.

Are you demonstrating healthy behaviors?

Do you talk to yourself out loud? I know we do. 😂 Be sure to stay aware of negative self-talk.

Speak kind words to yourself and others out loud. Years ago we posted this super fun video of Jessica saying her affirmations in the mirror. If you haven't watched get, gather your kids and talk a look!

Kindness goes a long way especially when your children are watching. 

Sep 24, 2022

Fun Yoga Adventures For Children

A fun way for kids to increase activity, body awareness, and mindfulness is yoga. 

Here are two fun Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure videos, tried, tested, and approved by Carol's granddaughters. 

All kinds of yoga adventures for different age groups. 

Popcorn the Dolphin | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

There's a wide variety to pick from. 

Jun 17, 2022

Intentional Conscious Parenting June Energetic Tips To Assist You On Your Conscious Parenting Journey

June Energetic Tips

As we move through the month of June take time to tune into where you are now, how you've been feeling, what you want to keep doing and what you need to let go of. 

This is an opportune time to release, ground, and renew yourselves.

Here are our Intentional Conscious Parenting June Energetic Tips.

Spend time in nature while staying open to the beauty of it all and your body will react to it. It can be healing, grounding, and connecting. As you immerse yourself in the wonders of our beautiful planet, feel it, ground into the earth, and feel her connecting to you and your family. 

Listen to birds, notice the flowers, and trees, and feel the warmth of the sun on your face. 

The more intuned you are to the planet the more you'll be aware of weather and planetary changes coming your way. 

Together Carol and Stacy provide intentional conscious parenting interviews, book reviews, articles parenting printables, books, journals, planners, and more! Sign up to stay connected and receive free conscious parenting gifts. 

May 7, 2022

Intentional Conscious Parenting May Energetic Tips For Living A More Grounded Life

As we move through the month of May take time to tune into where you are now, how you've been feeling, what you want to keep doing and what you need to let go of. 

This is an opportune time to release, ground, and renew yourselves.

Here are our Intentional Conscious Parenting May Energetic Tips.

1) Ground by walking barefoot outside. This is called earthing. Take your shoes and socks off and feel the grass, dirt, or pavement below your feet. Take nature walks or short basks in the sun. Let mother earth recharge your energy. This is also a great time to release any unwanted energy down through your energy centers and out through your feet. See it going deep into the earth, letting it go to be dispersed. 

Jul 28, 2021

10 Ways To Parent Consciously Ebook

10 Ways To Parent Consciously – Parenting In The New Paradigm By Carol Lawrence & Stacy Toten (From Intentional Conscious Parenting)
"The perfect addition to your conscious parenting toolbox. This book bridges the gap for those seeking to shift from traditional parenting to a more mindful present approach."
Dr. Shefali Tsabary Author and Clinical Psychologist

Jan 23, 2021

Kids Are Resilient And Have The Ability To Adapt Quickly.

Times are a changing, the thing is they are always changing. We can learn a lot from our kiddos. Kids are resilient, and have the ability to quickly adapt. Why? Because they live in the present moment. 

Watch them play with their toys, interact with a sibling, watch a show. They tune right in. As they get older the conditions and beliefs of life /parents are bestowed upon them. If you see your older kids full of worry, practice demonstrating how to be more present with them. Practice living in the present moment. 

Jul 23, 2020

Teaching children how to connect with how they are feeling is a valuable tool.

Parenting is not an easy job but it's the best job anyone could ever have. The children of today are the future of tomorrow. Today we have so many more tools available and so much more knowledge than when our parents were raising us. Such as the fact that our thoughts and emotions have a huge impact on our bodies.

Author Dr. Bruce Lipton's research shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. 

Sep 29, 2019

Toddler Life

Little ones have so much going on in their little bodies and minds. They are still mastering their body, discovering new emotions, feelings and trying to express themselves. Sometimes this comes out in repetitive words like No or Why? No can sometimes even mean Yes. Sometimes when frustrated or overwhelmed they express themselves through a good cry or tantrum. Have patience with with your little one as he/she explores new feelings, boundaries and emotions. Do your best to not personalize your toddlers behavior. Stay present with your own emotions as you guide your little one through experiencing and learning about theirs. 😉🌀🌞 ~ Carol and Stacy 🦋

Oct 23, 2017

Children's Book Review: The Dad Who Didn't Know

The Dad Who Didn't Know By Andrew Newman
Illustrated By Adam Carnegie

This delightful children's book comes with an easy breathing snuggle breathing meditation. Four simple sentences that set the tone for each of these books in this series. Your children will come from a whole different space and time after the breathing exercise they choose to repeat out loud, then they go on an emotional ride seeing a perception from a dads point of view of how he doesn't know everything and keeps being too hard on himself. Soon he realizes truly what it means to have a family and how we all teach each other on very different levels.

Aug 31, 2017

Simple ways to show your children they matter!

1. Tell your children and show them they are loved. 
2. Say "I love you" a lot!
3. Give numerous hugs. Your children are never too old to hug and tell them you love them.
4. Create an environment that invites everyone to feel free to express themselves.

Case and point. Both my boys are older, 30 and 26, they are not mushy kind of guys, but because we have freely given hugs and said "I love you" to them as they have grown up they freely respond in the same way. At first, when new people arrive in our lives they are sometimes amazed at how freely my sons respond in this way but over time they too allow themselves to express who they are more freely by saying I love you and giving hugs.

Aug 17, 2017

Do You Parent With An Open Mind?

Allowing your children to express themselves freely does take a parent with an open mind.

Thanks for stopping in and reading our latest post. Feel free to look around. We have numerous conscious parenting articles and book reviews.

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10 Tips For Parenting Consciously and Parenting With The Four Clairs.

Building Self-Esteem And Confidence

We are honored to have one of our recent articles published on Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life.

Conscious Parenting Building Self-Esteem And Confidence

Key conscious parenting goals; qualities you want your children to have. High self-esteem, strong foundation, creative spirit, integrity, compassion, connection, respect for self, others and the environment. Instill a love for life. It is important to support your children’s endeavors no matter how creative they get. Remember they are children and their ideas will change many times. By encouraging them you are building their self-esteem and confidence. In turn feeding their mind, body, and soul. Be open to saying “yes” or at least hearing out their ideas. Encourage them to draw, speak their mind, ask questions, play musical instruments, try sports, sit quietly and read a book or play in the dirt. Every child is so unique and their sensitivity levels are vastly different. That’s why it is so vitally important to parent each child on their own individual level. It would not be wise to raise all your children the same way. They all have different needs and wants, it is up to you to be the conscious parent, allowing an organic conclusion to form and take place without you the parent having to be in constant control. It’s about allowing spiritual growth on this earthly playground.

Teaching Children How To Love Themselves. Help your children work through their feelings and teach them the importance of positive self-talk. Show them how to appreciate the little and the big things in life. Self-esteem is being developed throughout their life. By teaching them how to love and take care of themselves when they are little you are helping them to build a positive self-image, instill confidence and build your child’s inner strength.

Click Here To Read Entire Article. Please comment and share on the original article if our conscious parenting messages resonate with you. We'd love to write more for their parenting audience and need your support to show conscious parenting is an important topic. 

Together we can all support the inner light of the children and the parents choosing to walk a conscious parenting path.

Namaste, Carol and Stacy 

Aug 9, 2017

Children's Book Review l The Boy Who Searched For Silence

The Boy Who Searched For Silence By Andrew Newman
Illustrated By Alexis Aronson

For those of us who start out thinking one thing and Voila! Bam! We find out another reality. We had the answers all along! We just need to be quiet and allow, to get out of our own way. The Boy Who Searched For Silence has a very compelling message and a wide range of emotions. From one extreme to the other.

Children will benefit from reading this book .
In search of bliss, silence, peacefulness and inner peace? Here are your answers parents.

Aug 5, 2017

Parenting in the new paradigm requires parents who are ready to parent from an awakened state

conscious parenting on Steven Aitchison

We are honored to have one of our recent articles published on Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life.

3 Conscious Parenting Tips For Parenting In The New Paradigm.

Parenting in the new paradigm requires parents who are ready to parent from an awakened state. Which would invite them to take a hands on, ears open, constantly tuned in approach. Allowing expression of the soul! The children being born in today’s world have an internal mission to help shift the collective consciousness of this planet, which is requiring a new way of parenting. Some of the children coming in are very purpose driven.

Click Here To Read Entire Article. Please comment and share on the original article if our conscious parenting messages resonate with you. We'd love to write more for their parenting audience and need your support to show conscious parenting is an important topic. Together we can all support the inner light of the children and the parents choosing to walk a conscious parenting path.

Namaste, Carol and Stacy 

Jun 22, 2017

The Hug Who Got Stuck Children's Book Review

conscious bedtime stories

The Hug Who Got Stuck - To All Who Hug

The hug who got stuck is a visually, powerful children's picture book that teaches young children about the power of creating their reality by their own thoughts.

I Am Alone, Nobody Loves Me and I'm Not Good Enough are the kind of thoughts that create a web of sticky thoughts that clog life up with stinkin thinkin. 

Hug, the hero shows the young reader how to stop resisting, let go and JUST BE.
Surrendering to the power and love of the heart.

The illustrator Alexis Aronson gives us such powerful eye candy you can't help but feel the message of love radiating from this book. 

This is the second book we've reviewed from The Conscious Bedtime Story Club.

Mar 30, 2017

Children Learn To Mimic The Vibration Of The Adults Who Surround Them

"You cannot speak or offer action without thought-vibration occurring at the same time; however, you are often offering words or action. Children or babies learn to mimic the vibration of the adults who surround them long before they learn to mimic their words." 
~ Abraham Hicks

Thanks for stopping in and reading our latest post. Feel free to look around. We have numerous conscious parenting articles and book reviews.