Divine intervention appears to have been running through author Simon Paul Harrison's veins as he wrote his book. The Truly Alive Child For Those Who Seek A Grander Vision For Our Children is full of so many simplistic, realistic tools and answers for the world to read.
"An educational system isn't worth a great deal if it teaches young people how to make a living but doesn't teach them how to make a life" Author Unknown
It is perfect timing for such a book to be presented to our world at a time when our education system is at its worst.
"I would urge everyone who wishes to share their passions with children to explore or at least entertain the ideas that we each have a soul that is connected to all things. ~ Simon Paul Harrison ~ The Truly Alive Child
You want break downs? He's got them. You want answers? He's got them. From the soul, to parenting, to education, to nature, to love, to changing our reality for all our children's futures. If your looking to be inspired in your journey of child rearing this is definitely a must read!
"For example, if we want children to grow up experiencing deep peace, it really does not work to continually subject them to images of violence. I am simply making an observation of the outcomes that arise from certain choices and actions." ~ Simon Paul Harrison
Review By: Stacy Toten and Carol Lawrence
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