Jun 10, 2010

The Frequency Of Bees

The Frequency of Bees

I recently watched a really interesting show about bees called "The last beekeeper" on Planet Green. It's a show about the massive decline of bees happening all over the world right now. In 1950 there were 500,000 beekeepers. In 2006 there were only 1,600. That is shocking! 100's of vegetables and fruits are reliant on bees for pollination. That's our food supply. Without bees many flowering plants fail to set seed and without flowering plants there is no food for bees, which in turn means no fresh food for us! According to Landcare Research bees are responsible for our every fourth bite of food. WOW!

I've always had a fondness for bees. As a child I had many allergies and had an allergy scratch test done.
I was told that I was very allergic to bees. Living in Montana there used to bees everywhere. I didn't really think much of the warning from the allergy doctors. About six years ago I was walking around the neighborhood and a bee flew into me and I ended up getting stung. It hurt but I was ok. I've never had a deep fear of bees or insects.

A few years ago I was working out in the backyard gardening when I went into my shed to get supplies.
I had been alone and off in thought for most of the afternoon and was in a very calm state of mind. When I walked into my shed I was caught off guard by the sounds that I was hearing. It sounded like a party was going on and they're where various words being said. As I stood there listening I began to hear a hum and I realized bees had made a hive in my shed. I was completely in awe of the communication happening between the bees. They were talking (communicating) on a level we are not normally tuned into. They communicate on a different frequency. For whatever reason that day I unexpectedly tuned into their frequency. I now have an even deeper respect for the bees and the role they play on our planet. I will never forget that day. I'm sure other people have tuned into the bees and I'm hoping they will come and share their experiences. I have bushes planted along the sides of my yard that produce little yellow flowers every spring that attract bees of all sizes. One kind in particular is very large. They are so busy collecting pollen you can even gently touch them and feel how soft they are. It really is quite amazing to pet a bee!

Learn More About Natures Secret Messages.

What's killing the bees?
  • Pesticides, Diseases, Herbicides and Insecticides
  • There is a huge debate that Genetically Modified crops are greatly effecting bee pollination.
  • The varroa mite
Ways you can help:
  •  Eat honey from your local beekeepers, this helps to build immunities against allergies from local pollen and supports your local beekeepers.
  • Plant a backyard bee-friendly garden. Plant native plants too. Local bees are more drawn to native plants.
  •  Provide a small container of water for the bees in your garden space.
  •  Avoid pesticides in your yard, it's better for you, your family, your pets and the environment. 
  •  If pest control is necessary try using beneficial insects in your garden. (Bugs that will eat your unwanted bugs.)
  • Sponsor a bee hive
  • Teach your children where honey really comes from. Plant your bee friendly garden together.
Resources for teaching children about the importance of bees.
This site plays a cute honey bee song for little kids.
Printable bee coloring pages.
Video about the life cycle of bees.

Excellent web sources for learning about bees and how you can help.
The Last Beekeeper Documentary On Planet Green
Help Save The Bees
Plant A Bee Friendly Garden
Sponsor A Hive
Learn About Bee Research Funding
The Waggle Dance Of The Bees
Search For Local Honey In Your Area
PBS Educational Video On The Decline Of The Bees
Resources For Teaching Children About Bees-One World Poster
Birds And The Bees Key To Food Future

Written by: Carol Lawrence

What ideas are you pollinating in your life?
The meaning of bees in your dreams.

Jun 9, 2010

The Quickening

Hello everyone, I wanted to share with you a series of videos that are based on the transition of the planet and the human race at this time. Some refer to this as "The Quickening." The first of five videos is called "The Call". Watch this video and tell me what do you think? I would love to hear your opinion about this before I voice any of mine. Please feel free to share. What ever we want to call it I think we can all agree there's alot of changes going on globally, individually and all around us. All we have to do is open our eyes and our mind to be apart of it. I hope you enjoy the video. (The best way to watch the video is to click on it, turn the HD option off, push play and then pause to allow it to fully load. Once it's fully loaded push play then you'll be able to watch the whole video without interuption)

"The Call" from keith wyatt on Vimeo.

To watch all five videos and learn about the movement behind them go to: http://awakeningasone.com/
Sharing love and light with you and the planet at this time!

**Reminder. All new ezine subscribers from May & June will be entered into a drawing to win Louise Hay's new book. "Experience your good now" includes affirmation CD. (Newsletter/ezine sign up on the right)
Please share with all your Intentional conscious parenting friends!
Written by: Carol Lawrence

The one factor that has been unknown by most humans, that is understood by the beasts, is that Well-being truly does abound, and that you are blessed beings who live in an atmosphere of grace, and that unless you are doing something to pinch off the Well-being, it will be yours. Look for the evidence of the Well-being, and be an advocate for Well-being rather than an advocate for getting rid of what does not feel like Well-being, then little by little, by little, your own personal experience begins to take shape in a way that is more satisfying to you.

--- Abraham
Check back daily for a new law of attraction quote from Abraham

Jun 7, 2010

Intentional Conscious Parenting Blog Update.

Hello everyone, we now have an "Intentional Parenting" Facebook page.
We hope you will sign up as a Intentional Parenting facebook follower.
We also have added our new Intentional Conscious Parenting Ezine sign up on the right.

Thank you Melany, Adrian and Kynan for sharing your beautiful smiles and bright light with us! (Thank you parents for sharing your babies with us!)

Sign up for our Ezine to:
  • Keep in touch with us
  • Network with other people
  • Learn about new or upcoming children's books and authors we are excited to share with you.
  • Stay updated on our blog posts
  • Hear about our writing adventures
  • All new subscribers from the months of May and June will have a chance to win Louise Hay's new book. "Experience your good now"
  • See more cute baby photos.
Intentional Conscious Parenting Zazzle Store
Cute baby shirts, kids clothes and more.
It's a work in progress. Any great ideas please share.

We are currently waiting
to hear back from a
Literary Agent we feel
would be a perfect fit for us.

To be able to bring
our children's spiritual ABC picture book
to life to share with all of you is a dream of
ours and it will be a reality very soon.

Here are some great children's books we recommend.
You can find more in our Intentional Parenting Amazon Store.
(Link to store located on right side of blog posts)

Thanks to everyone who reads our blog and is part of our wonderful life adventure!
You rock we couldn't do it with out you.

Follow us on twitter

Jun 4, 2010

Featured Children's Author: Stephanie Lisa Tara.

Snowy White World To Save
By: Stephanie Lisa Tara

Snowy White World to Save
"Snowy White World to Save cleverly introduces young children
to environmental awareness and global warming...
so they, too, with their parents, will become global citizens."
—SHARON STONE, Actress, Activist

Stephanie Lisa Tara •
children's author, san francisco

Snowy White World to Save •
on sale now, everywhere

It is so important to teach the children while they are young the importance of taking care of our planet. Teach them how we can all work together and create a sustainable world by our everyday choices.
Parents please share these great childrens books with all your friends.

***If our blog resonates with you be sure to sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter. Full of our latest blog posts, great children's books and much more! Anyone who signs up during the months of May and June will have a chance to win......Louise Hay's new book. "Experience Your Good Now" includes affirmation cd.***
Drawing will be held July 1st.

May 23, 2010

Great video! Empowerd child saying her affirmations!

I saw this amazing video and had to share it. This little girl has got it going on! She knows how to say her affirmations! Empower your children! Show them how to create positive self talk and repeat positive affirmations looking in the mirror every day. You are never to young to start learning how to say affirmations.

Disclaimer: We don't recommend having your children stand up on the sink. Let them talk into a mirror located within reach on the wall or use a handheld mirror.

Using affirmations has made a tremendous difference in the quality of my life. Imagine if every one of us spent an entire day really focusing on and paying attention to our thoughts, beliefs and words. We wouldn't worry so much about the future because we would be focused on creating the future we really want. Learning how to use affirmations in your life can be life changing. You learn how to focus on what you want and enforce it with affirmations.

Examples of life changing affirmations can be:
  • I am healthy, happy and wise
  • I love myself
  • I am balanced, healthy, joyful and following my true path.
Create personal affirmations just for you based on what you are wanting to create in your life.
Say them throughout the day. Feel them. When you follow up your thoughts and words with feelings they begin to take form. This is called the law of attraction.

A few of my favorite affirmations are from Louise Hay
  • I rejoice in other people's successes because there is plenty for everyone ~ Louise Hay
  • "I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the Universe Wealth can mean more money in your life, but it can also mean dear friends, good health, a happy home and delicious food on the table."
Hay House, Inc. 180x150

If you haven't read any of Louise Hay's books you truely have been missing out. She is the Queen of Affirmations. She understands the power of your thoughts and teaches you in a gentle way how to change your thoughts and change your life. She has a new book out that includes a cd full of affirmations.
It's very affordable. With your purchase you are entered into a drawing for a cruise to the Carribean in January 2011.  A cruise in January would be amazing! Good luck and enjoy.
Remember ~ An inspired child is capable of anything.

I Think, I Am!: Teaching Kids the Power of Affirmations

Thanks so much for reading our blog.
We would love to hear about how you use affirmations in your life.
Written by: Carol Lawrence

May 16, 2010

Stunning Baby Photos!

Kynan White
Thank You Mr. and Mrs. White for sharing your amazing photos with all of us!
Photos Take By Red Light Studios In Missoula Montana


Did you see this book? Sleeping Beauties Newborns in Dreamland.
Amazing baby photos. These books would make great gifts for new parents, photographers, baby lovers, baby shower gifts. They are so darn cute!

Children or babies learn to mimic the vibration of the adults who surround them long before they learn to mimic their words.
~Abraham Hicks