Sep 24, 2014

Love is the face and body of the Universe.

"Love is the face and body of the Universe. It is the connective tissue of the universe, the stuff of which we are made. Love is the experience of being whole and connected to Universal Divinity.

Aug 21, 2014

Parenting Coming Out Of The Dark Ages?

We found this video so pleasing, especially since we reviewed Dr. Shefali's book The Conscious Parent in 2010 and hosted a live chat with her in March 2011. It's so magical to us that conscious parenting is finally taking center stage. Like we've said before we've raised our children this way starting 30 years ago. Since Dr. Shefali appeared with Oprah on Super Soul Sunday it is now getting the recognition that we feel is needed for our children, parents and society. 

We resonate with the words Sabrina Brightstar talks about in this video. She's right, we are all responsible for the children. Our beliefs, thoughts, ability to love ourselves and evolve does have an impact on today's children. We hope all you parents will take a look at this video. It is time to change the world by changing how we parent. 

Children Help Parents Evolve and Release OLD Parenting Programs

Jul 31, 2014

Review: Dr. Mercola's Sunscreen and After Sun Moisturizing Cream

When we were approached by Dr. Mercola to write a review about his sunscreen we were delighted. We are avid followers of Dr. Mercola and we respect his work, especially his viewpoint on nutrition and health. If you've never heard of him we recommend looking him up! 

"I believe that proper nutrition, not medicine, is the key to good health." ~ Dr. Mercola

Jul 13, 2014

8 Year Old Boy Builds Crystal Grids.

Gather the crystal children together and they'll be unstoppable! Imagine what it will be like as they get older and become adults. They already are amazing. They are already healing the planet and teaching those around them how to do the same. 

Take a look at Adam, an 8 year old boy who builds crystal grids. Not only does he build them but he explains how they clear negative energy. He even explains how it all works, how they communicate with him and more! 

If your kids have an interest in stones, energy and feels a deep connection to Mother Earth, be sure to show them this video. 

Jul 6, 2014

Review: Best Summer Ever - A Summer's Worth of Fun, Inexpensive Art & Learning Projects.

Best Summer Ever - A Summer's Worth of Fun, Inexpensive Art and Learning Projects To Occupy Kids 6-11 At Home For Hours At A Time. By Leila Kalmbach

Review by Stacy Toten and Carol Lawrence

As any of our readers know, the past four years we have been huge advocates for bringing out the inner creativity of your child and the great benefits of connecting them with nature.

Jun 26, 2014

How does one help their children succeed in life? Guest Article By Kathleen Boucher

Congratulations to Kathleen Boucher. She recently was awarded the 2014 Book Of The Year award for her book A Simple Idea To Empower Kids: Teen's Edition and 2014 Preferred Choice Award (Kids Category) for A Simple Idea To Empower Kids: based on the power of love, choice and belief.

How does one help their children succeed in life? By teaching them to have a strong work ethic.

Wouldn’t it be great if each child born on earth came with their own unique instruction manual? How valuable would that be? And yet for all the books written to help parents, I have not found any that discuss work ethic. But hold on. I can hear you saying,” Wait a minute we are doing the best job that we can. We raise our children to believe in themselves, to take care of their bodies and their minds. We teach them to value their family, their friends and their community. We teach them to understand that to live in a country that is free is a gift not to be taken lightly.

Jun 13, 2014

Inside Every Dad Is A Little Boy ~ Happy Fathers Day!

(Randy Lawrence and Ed Toten skipping rocks.)

Happy Father's Day From Intentional Conscious Parenting 

Dad, fathers, pops, pa, step dad. Whatever name you call them they are essential to our families, societies, work force, etc.

We just could not exist without our precious dads. They bring and teach so much to our children and their families. The masculine energy vibrates through out our world in such a precise way whether it be chaos or untainted calmness it is a very welcomed energy.

Remember inside every dad is a little boy.

Jun 8, 2014

A real life, inspiring, engaging, emotionally involved, deliberate, well-informed-highly intuitive book.

Click on book to go directly to Amazon!

Three weeks ago I came across a photo meme (picture with a quote) on Facebook that someone I followed had shared. It was a meme by Annie Kagan author of The Afterlife of Billy Fingers. How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved To Me There Is Life After Death I immediately liked her page. All her quotes where fully resonating with me. I knew I wanted to read her book. I'm a huge believer in source energy, the afterlife and have had many conversations with the spirit world myself. During this time my dad's health took a turn for the worse. On the night of May 14th I dreamed all night long a continuous dream. I was sitting with a counsel of beings and Billy. They showed me I would be reading Annie's book during my weekend camping trip. I was in fact prepping to go camping to try and find some balance in nature after our long winter. When in reality it was to prepare me for my father's passing.  When I woke up the following morning I told the Universe or Billy, whomever was prompting me to read The Afterlife Of Billy Fingers, if you want me to read it then our local used book store must have a copy. I'm heading out to go camping and I don't have time to order it. I was leaving to go camping within hours. Sure enough when I called The Book Exchange they had one copy in stock. It was brand spanking new. 

I read The Afterlife Of Billy Fingers in two days during my hiatus in the forest. I cried, I laughed and breathed it all in. I came home Sunday afternoon on May 18th and received a call about my dad. Your dad is dying, you need to call him right away. I called him and told him it's ok to go and how much I love him. He passed a half hour later that evening.  Even though I know there's life after death and that we are so much more than we think we are, Annie's book  brought me to a calmness as I work through the loss of my father. I'm awaiting his messages from across the veil.  I soon passed my copy onto Stacy. I couldn't wait for her to read it. She couldn't put the book down either! ~ Carol

Here is our full review. If what we have to say resonates with you we encourage you to read The Afterlife Of Billy Fingers. How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved To Me There Is Life After Death.  

The Afterlife of Billy Fingers will draw you in and keep you engaged until the very last word.

It is a real life, inspiring, engaging, emotionally involved, deliberate, well-informed-highly intuitive book. This book will expand your minds and take you to places some of you may have never gone before. And this is a good thing. Annie Kagan will illuminate life and death by taking you on a vivid, colorful ride of her life through the impactful messages received from her brother in the after life.

Jun 6, 2014

Children Don't Need Fixing - A Conscious Parenting Approach

Here are two short videos with Dr. Shefali with Oprah on Own. Both of them are really good and we wanted to make sure you had a chance to see them. Enjoy!!

A full on parenting approach. Parenting from a place of intunement.

Dr. Shefali Tsabary: Children Don't Need Fixing - Super Soul Sunday - OWN

The One Thing Children Want (That Money Can't Buy) - Super Soul Sunday - OWN