Apr 30, 2015

Thoughts and emotions have a huge impact on our bodies.

Raising children in an intentional inspired way is fast becoming a goal of many parents.

Parenting is not an easy job but in my opinion it's the best job anyone could ever have. The children of today are the future of tomorrow. Today we have so many more tools available and so much more knowledge than when our parents were raising us. Such as the fact that our thoughts and emotions have a huge impact on our bodies. Author Dr. Bruce Lipton's research shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. Teaching children how to connect with what they are feeling is a valuable tool. So much of our society is based on shutting down our feelings and just dealing with life. That old saying "Just suck it up" can come back to haunt you. This can be a very harsh way of being. When we don't work through our feelings and emotions we can easily bury them inside our bodies and not even realize it creating many health problems later.

Apr 14, 2015

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

"Mama, Carry You Me So I Can See The World." ~ Jaylin (Age 3)

Has your child said something lately that made you giggle, smile inside or laugh out loud? Kids come up with the most amazing questions and requests. With open minds and endless souls they are here to teach us, the parents, the adults much wisdom. Only if we are willing to listen.

Please comment and share your favorite quote from your child.
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Thanks for stopping by and reading our blog. ~ Carol and Stacy.

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Mar 18, 2015

(RE)Connecting with Your Teen on Spring Break

(RE)Connecting with Your Teen on Spring Break By Mary Jo Rapini, MEd, LPC

Spring break is here and that means family trips. If you're like many parents, you've been busy with your job, your kids' activities, your partner and your aging parents. It's easy to forget that you are raising teens, and taking everyone on a family vacation may be more challenging than you expected. Teens aren't the easiest to travel with. They have an attitude over things that may not have concerned them before; they insult under their breath; and often they melt into screaming, slamming doors and tears. It can make living with them trying, but traveling with them can push you over the edge.

Mar 6, 2015

What vibration are you offering?

Unless you do something about your vibrational countenance, nothing can change. Nothing long term will change, that's certain... Haven't you noticed that a new disease pops up, and humanity finds the cure, only to find another disease popping up? Don't you think it's interesting that you don't get to the end of those diseases? The reason you don't, is because you have not yet come to the end of pushing against things.

--- Abraham

Feb 24, 2015

Babies Have An Emotional Guidance System Too!

"People often incorrectly assume that since the baby cannot speak, it could not be creating its own reality, but that is not the case. Even those who do have language are not creating through words, but through thoughts. Your babies are thinking when they are born, and before they are born they are vibrationally aware. Their vibrational frequencies are immediately aware. Their vibrational frequencies are immediately affected by the vibrations that surround them in their birth environment, but there is no need to worry about them, for they, like you, were born with an Emotional Guidance System. ~ Abraham-Hicks

Quote from the Health, and the Law of Attraction Cards: A 60-Card Deck, plus Dear Friends card.