Aug 1, 2010


Congratulations Priya! 
You are the winner of Louise Hay's newest book and affirmation CD.
"Experience Your Good Now" 
Experience Your Good Now!: Learning to Use Affirmations

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We know a lot of our readers are writers themselves so we want to make sure you've heard about Write On Con. 
WriteOnCon is an online writer's conference for kidlit writers. 
There are many well known agents and editors involved in this free conference.
Takes Place Tuesday-Thursday August 10th -12th 2010.What is Write On Con? Find out here.
Hope to see you there.

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As we like to say "Always Support The Inner Light Of The Children"
And "Always Trust Your Intuition"

Remember sharing is caring. 

(Picture: Stacy's granddaughter Maggie, playing in the water.)
Written By: Carol Lawrence

Jul 28, 2010

We Received The Versatile Blogger Award!

Mommy Spirit from has given us,
The Versatile Blogger Award!
Here's the wonderful words she had to say about "Intentional Conscious Parenting"

"It's my pleasure to give you the Versatile Blogger Award today--you have such an uplifting, beautiful, and creative blog. You can see the announcement at
Have a wonderful day!"

Thank you so much Mommy Spirit! 
It is very inspiring when your writing and your message is acknowledged!

In order to receive the award fully, we must
1) Thank the person who gave me the award. Thanks again, Mommy Spirit!
2) Share seven things about ourselves.
3) Nominate 15 newly discovered blogs, and let the nominees know about the award.

Seven things about Carol & Stacy you may or may not know!

1) We both were extras in the movie "Mars Attacks"
2) We both were pregnant at the same time. 
3) We've been best friends for twenty-five years!
4) Stacy was in the delivery room when Carol delivered her youngest son.
5) We both love chocolate.
6) Carol has three dogs and three cats.  Stacy has two dogs and two cats.
7) We have written our first children's book and are currently looking to connect with a literary agent.

Now it's time for the most important part of the award. We are  pleased to nominate all the blogs below because they are inspiring, creative, beautiful, resilient, sincere, take parenting seriously, teach readers how to craft & cook, be frugal  and are written by some amazing people. This was not an easy task! There are so many great blogs but we narrowed the list down to..

Create your own banner at!
Make your own banner at!

1) Sofia's Ideas-Simplicity, Frugality, Frivolity... all with an Eco-Mentality

2) The Zen Mama's Blog-How to stop worrying, Let go and get closer to your kids.

3) One Boy One Girl One Blog


5) From PDX With Love

6) Jewels Front Porch-Mom, Wife, Writer

7) Nan's Squidoo Spotlight!

8) A Day In The Life Of A Not So Super Mom

9) Conscientious Moms-Healthy Families Start With Conscientious Moms. Transform Yours Today

10) The Inadvertent Farmer-Tales From The Life Of An Accidental Farm Chick

11) Almost Crunchy-Eco-Friendly And Holistic Living For The Rest Of Us.

12) Lesa Speaks Out-Expect Success!

13) Heather Ward Wildlife Art

14) W.O.O.D. -We Own Our Own Dreams

15) Truthfully Speaking: I Am A Person Who Believes In Speaking The Truth.

Jul 21, 2010

10 Things Your Children Want You To Know by: Suzy Miller

Introducing Suzy Miller

Author of AWESOMISM:
A New Way to Understand the Diagnosis of Autism.

After 22 years as a licensed pediatric speech-language pathologist, she is now communicating with and about children diagnosed with autism in a whole new way. Her experience has taught her that these children are so much more than meets the eye!

After reading Suzy's latest newsletter we contacted her and asked her if we could share her article
"10 Things your children want you to know"
These tips are perfect for any parent not just for parents of autistic kids and we just had to share them with you.


1. Our behaviors rarely mean what you think they mean. Awesomism Changing the World!

2. We experience so much more than meets the eye.

3. We feel our way through life, instead of think our way through.

4. What you say means very little to us unless it matches how you feel.

5. We are right-brained, creative and connected to something bigger.

6. We are communicating long before we talk.

7. We constantly reflect the inner life of those around us-even you!

8. The best way to connect with us is by being present.

9. We are showing the world what no longer serves humanity.

10. We are different but we are not disordered.

Once you understand and apply this awareness, our life together becomes an awesome gift to be shared!



In Suzy's book Awesomism you will learn how to understand autism as never before. You will learn about the vibrational aspects behind autism and understand how to apply this awareness to experience the Awesomism in your child.

On Suzy's site you'll find lot's of free information, articles, a discussion forum and more!
Suzy holds a FREE chat every Friday from 9:00-10:00 am PST. During this hour you will hear the latest information about and from the children. To register for this FREE call, just send her an e-mail requesting the phone number and pin.

Thank you Suzy Miller for letting us share your "10 things your children want you to know" article.
Your book and skills you are sharing with autistic children and their parents all over the world are amazing, right on track and so needed at this time! We thank you for this.

To all our lovely readers, if you resonate with the information, articles and authors we share with you be sure to sign up for our newsletter. Sign up form is on the right.

Sharing is caring!
Please mention this article to your friends, post a link on facebook, tweet it, share it however you wish! We really appreciate it! Be sure to sign up for our newsletter, become a follower and bookmark our site if our topics resonate with you and your parenting ideas.
Carol Lawrence &  Stacy Toten

Jul 15, 2010

2012-The Beginning Part Two

This is the second half to our first post called
2012-The Beginning Part One
We recommend reading the fist part then clicking the link to read the second half.

2012 -The beginning or the end?
Enjoy! Celebrate the end!
How can you begin the new chapter in your life if you don't celebrate or close the last chapter?
Humanity as a whole and or individually are closing this chapter in this universal book. Only to be starting the next chapter in humanities creation.

With every breath that you take there is a continuous process that is taking place. Each thought, feeling, footprint and action that takes place puts you right in the middle of the creation process. Honor this!
You are creating your own train track. You can remain in the eye of the hurricane as turmoil and old belief systems are crumbling around you.
You can choose to dance between the raindrops. There are those who came here at this time to experience this progressive shift, while some call this Armageddon some call this:
  • A new Earth
  • A new chapter in humanity.
  • A celebration
  • Raising of the collective consciousness.
We can choose to walk in this world with blindfolds on or eyes wide open.

Evidence is reality.

What does 2012 mean to you?
Do you have fears or worries surrounding 2012?
Are you passing on your fears and worries to your kids?
How are you creating your own train track?
Please feel free to comment and dialogue about what 2012 means to you.

Written by Stacy Toten & Carol Lawrence

Jun 25, 2010

Dr. Masaru Emoto's prayer for the Gulf of Mexico

This was sent to us by a dear friend of ours, we'd like to share her words of wisdom and Dr. Emoto's prayer.

A beautiful and powerful prayer. I suggest you see,  feel the Gulf clean, beautiful, healthy and abundant. Also note the Ho'oponopono prayer as part of Dr. Emoto's prayer. I love you all. Blessed Full Moon! Love, Patricia

Dr. Masaru Emoto's prayer for the Gulf of Mexico

Most of you might know that Dr. Masaru Emoto is the scientist from Japan who has done all the research and publications about the characteristics of water. Among other things, his research revealed that water physically responds to emotions.

Many people have the predominantly angry emotion when we consider what is happening in the Gulf.

And while justified in that emotion, we may be of greater assistance to our planet and its life forms if we sincerely, powerfully and humbly pray the prayer that Dr. Emoto, himself, has proposed.

I am passing this request to people I believe may be willing to participate in this prayer, to set an intention of love and healing that is so large, so overwhelming that we can perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico.

We are not powerless.

We are powerful.

Our united energy, speaking this prayer daily...multiple times daily... can literally shift the balance of destruction that is happening.

We don't have to know how...we just have to recognize that the power of love is greater than any other power active in the Universe today.

(The prayer)

"I send the energy of love and gratitude to the waters and all living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings. To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, planktons, corals, algae ... humankind ... to ALL living creatures ...

I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I Love You."

Please join us in often repeating this Healing Prayer by Dr. Emoto.
Please include your powerful children.

Feel free to send it around the planet. Let's take charge ... and do our own cleanup!

Please repost, tweet, share!

If you are unfamiliar with Ho'oponopono you definitely want to add this tool to your spiritual tool box!

Jun 21, 2010

Camping with your kids and connecting with nature.


Camping with your kids can be alot of fun and create long lasting memories.

Leave the computer, phone and electronics at home and really get into the feel of the wild. (Bring your phone but if you can turn it off. Make a goal to be really present on your camping vacation, the world will wait.)
I highly recommend planning a camping trip for at least two days or more. The first day of camping can be a little hectic getting camp all set up and established. It takes about two days before your regular day to day routine starts to wear away and you start to really relax and tune into nature. By the second and third day you are really feeling the peace that can come with getting away from all the daily distractions. Be present with your children during your camping trip. Use this opportunity to teach them about the wildlife that surrounds them. The native plants, the animals, the trees. Also encourage a little quiet time to hear the birds, smell the wild smells and have a little down time.

My boys are now grown. They are ages 19 and 23. We camped all the time when they were little. In Montana there's many open spaces to camp out. One of my favorites still is Hidden Lake. Yep it's hidden so mostly only locals know about it. You can head out on a Monday and have the whole lake and campground with a porta potty to yourself! Love it! Even though they are grown now they still love to camp. They both even got jobs this summer working for the Montana Conservation Corp taking care of the forests and trails.

Here's some tricks we used to make camping easier

*First things first, explain what camping is to your kids and how you are all going to have so much fun together! Talk about the wildlife and the rules of camp. (Staying in eye shot, making noise so bears hear you, not wiping your dirty hands on your clothes so you don't smell like dinner, exploring together, stay away from the fire rings, water safety, being respectful of other campers, etc.)
* Create a list of items you will need every time and laminate it. Before every camping trip pull it out to remind yourself what you'll need. (tent, sleeping bags, pillows, clothes, cooking supplies, food, toilet paper, toys, coats, shorts for swimming, camp stove, lantern, flash lights, crank radio, etc)
* Keep your nonperishable items you only use for camping in a tucker tote in the garage, storage or camper to save prep time on your next trip.
*Bug Spray- Target has a really good non toxic bug spray. My oldest son just tried it out recently and said it works great.
* Baby wipes are a must. They make for easy clean up for you, the kids, the table. You'll find many uses for them. They have biodegradable wipes in the camping section at most stores that sell camping equipment.
*Bring books, crayons, coloring books, bug net, bug holder, cars, journals, pens and paper. Age appropriate items. Remember leave the electronics at home, this is a time to explore, play, reconnect and learn about nature. Plan on exploring the woods around the campground together as a family.
Hands-On Nature: Information and Activities for Exploring the Environment with Children
Bring wildflower books to identify wildflowers. Animal track books to identify animal tracks and scat ( animal poo).  Collect pine cones for the nightly fire. They add a nice smell to the fire. Wildflowers, pine needles, odds and ends you find can be dried and brought home to make note cards, bookmarks to remember your camping trip or to be used for gifts. This is one of my favorite camping books: Scats and Tracks of North America: A Field Guide to the Signs of Nearly 150 Wildlife Species (Scats and Tracks Series)
*Bring smore material. Marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers. You can buy marshmallow roasters or make some out of sticks.
*If you don't have a porta potty available creating a central bathroom makes it easier for everyone. You can get a toilet seat or use a big branch to sit on. Dig a big hole for waste to go into and wrap a tarp around a few trees to create a private space. Place camp shovel next to your latrine and give everyone instructions to toss dirt in the hole after they use the restroom.
*You can create a shower space the same way. Wrap a tarp around a few trees, hanging a solar powered shower bag, tie a rope between two trees to hang wet clothes and towels on and remember to bring bungee cords they come in real handy!  Solar Shower Pvc Solar Shower 5 Gallon
*You'll need to bring a saw and hatchet for campfires or gather campfire wood to bring with you.
(Bring some newspaper, matches or a lighter for easy fire start up)
Contain the Flame: Outdoor Fire Safety (How to Be Safe!)
*Check the weather forecast ahead of time and plan accordingly. Play it safe get yourself one of these
Etón American Red Cross ARCFR160R Microlink Self-Powered AM/FM/NOAA Weather Radio with Flashlight, Solar Power and Cell Phone Charger (Red)
*Bring a camera or video camera to document your trip for memories, your next Christmas card or scrapbooking. (or blog, lol)

Cooking while camping: If you have a camper to cook in great! If you don't, you need to do a little preplanning. A small folding table can come in real handy when your trying to cook in the wild.
Items to remember to bring. Camp stove, grate to go over fire,(the grate over your barbecue at home works real good), pans (cast iron can be placed directly over fire but require scrubbing for clean up) paper towels, pot holders, camp plates, cups, silver ware, knife, spices, Utensils for cooking, small container of dish soap, bucket or large bowl to wash dishes in, dish rags, coffee cups.
If you like your morning coffee don't forget your camping coffee pot and coffee. To make it simple you can bring instant coffee.

Simple food ideas
  • Instant coffee, hot chocolate, instant breakfasts, instant oatmeal, dried soups
  • lots of water (for cooking, clean up and drinking)
  • Cut up fruit and vegetables ahead of time.
  • Bring lots of ice, keep perishables cold at all times. If you are near cold water you can place your cooler at the edge of the water to help keep cool. Dry ice works really well too! Follow directions carefully.
  • Milk, juice
  • Dried foods: nuts, pretzels, popcorn, chips, dried fruit, granola bars, jerky, etc.
  • Prepare meat ahead of time. Fresh meat can be placed in containers with marinating sauce so all you have to do is place it on the grill at dinner time. If your going to be camping for two days or more. Freeze your meat ahead of time so it can thaw in the cooler. This will help it to stay fresh longer.
  • In the camping supply section you can buy a plastic egg holder if you wish to have eggs for breakfast.
  • You can place cut up vegetables, spices, little bit of butter, slice of onion in foil so it's ready for the grill. Potatoes cook great this way.
  • Place fish, butter, lemon juice, spices, onion in foil ready for the grill. Place foil meals in a container in your cooler to keep out water from melted ice.
  • Get creative, plan what your kids will eat. Prep time at home makes life so much easier on your camping trip.
  • Left over dinners prior to your camping trip can be frozen and thawed and heated up during your trip.
  • Keep it simple, your there to have a fun time not work your butt off!
The most important tip of all is to have fun! Relax and enjoy the experience. Your kids will be grown in a blink of an eye. Use your time wisely, make it count!

Handy Wild Flower books:
The National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers: Western Region

National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers--E: Eastern Region - Revised Edition

I'd love to hear about your camping memories and tips! If you really like this article please share, repost or tweet.
Written by: Carol Lawrence
P.S. Anyone who signs up for the Intentional Conscious Parenting ezine/newsletter will have their name entered into a drawing. June's prize will be....Drum roll.....Louise Hay's new book and affirmation cd "Experience your good now"