Nov 29, 2010

Winter arrived early this year.

Across the street from
Carol & Stacy's homes.

Marv playing in the snow.

Cedar Trees.

A friends cabin.

Nov 25, 2010

Review & Giveaway of Milton's Secret by Eckhart Tolle & Robert Friedman

Parents, have you been looking for a children's book that reflects Eckhart Tolle's wisdom and teachings? 
Look No Further! Here is the children's book you've been waiting for.

Milton's Secret ~ An adventure of discovery through Then, When, And the Power of Now.
By Eckhart Tolle & Robert S Friedman
Illustrated by Frank Riccio

Milton's Secret will take your child on an internalizing thought provoking journey. Milton seeks to utilize his own inner power. 

Through lessons learned from being in the now he's empowered to turn a negative scary situation into an eye opening positive engaging experience.

Eckhart Tolle & Robert S. Friedman do an exceptional job teaching children how to see the light in others and live in the now.

Illustrator Frank Riccio draws you in with his 
alluring illustrations and exquisite details!

Life is here to be our teacher, our guide, and our spiritual partner. We are here to uncover our unconsciousness and integrate it. ~ Shefali Tsabary, PhD
The Conscious Parent ~ transforming ourselves empowering our children

Nov 22, 2010

What is the Best Thing about Your Kids?

Great discussion happening at our ICP Blog Frog Community.

What is the Best Thing about Your Kids? | Intentional Conscious Parenting

How would you answer that question? We'd love to hear your answers.
Come and express your admiration for your children in our BF community.

Is it their smile? How they make you feel?
How they know when you need a hug?

The way they connect with everyone around them?


Nov 21, 2010

The Power Of Words.

Thank you, Rob Wiltshire, for sharing your photo with us.

A very important tool in life is learning about the power of our words.

Like colors, words have a vibration. Words can make you feel great or make you feel sad. Almost everyone has had experiences during childhood of being called names or being around a bully who was picking on someone. 

Words can hurt. They can also change your world. The newest studies available show you how they carry their own vibration. Since we live in vibrational bodies we are effected by the vibrations that are directed at us and around us. We receive these vibrations from the music we listen to, the words we hear, TV, news, conversations, books and more. If this concept is new to you there are many studies and wonderful books exploring the power of words. One of the coolest books on the topic is 
The Healing Power Of Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto. His studies were groundbreaking. They haves shown the power of  words through using water crystals. If you haven't seen his amazing photos your missing out. You will never look at words the same way. You'll never look at water the same way.

Nov 19, 2010

Are You Parenting From The Past?

Are you willing to take a hard look at your parenting skills and the way you discipline your child?

Have you ever thought about where your parenting beliefs come from? The ways we discipline our children have been passed down from grandparents to parents and then to us. Some parenting practices go back several generations. Societal beliefs also shape each decade.

How do you feel about the way you were disciplined as a child?
Have you ever explored these feelings? There is much value in this exploration. 
Are you parenting from the past?

A Successful tool we have used was to grab a piece of paper and pen. Draw a line down the middle of the paper. On top of the page write mom/dad. Write pros' on one side and con's on the other. Now start listing what you liked and didn't like. This is where the intentional Conscious Parenting begins. 

(This is an example, no references to anyone in particular)

By the choices that you make you help shape your child's well being. Choose wisely someday they may quite possible be passing on these beliefs onto your grandchildren. 

Here is a good time to break any chains that need to be broken. It does not matter if you have a baby on the way or if your child is 10 or seventeen. It's never to late to change.

Written by: Carol Lawrence and Stacy Toten

Since no other journey is able to evoke more emotional reactivity in us than parenting, to be a parent invites us to treat the reactions our children trigger in us as opportunities for spiritual growth. ~ Shefali Tsabary, PhD

Do you have a blog or website. Would you like to reprint this article? Email Carol for written permission @ The entire article must be accurately posted with visible links to this blog.

Happy Child