Dec 21, 2013

Carol & Stacy's Interview on Peaceful Parents Radio Show With Genevieve Kohn - Raising Our Children With Intention

Hello everyone, we wanted to share with you some exciting news. We were on our very first parenting radio show.  Peaceful Parents radio is hosted by a wonderful lady named Genevieve Kohn. Do to time constraints we pre-recorded the show. Genevieve was truly amazing, very grounding and resonated with us both. 

Parents and guardians if you have any questions after listening to the show please leave them here or on the radio show page. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.


Show topic:  Raising Our Children with Intention

Parents are the co-creators of their child’s future by the choices they make in raising their children. When parents parent from their intentional conscious self they are more emotionally available to teach their children how to thrive in life, nurturing them in a positive manner. They learn how to treat themselves and how to treat others with honor and respect.

Dec 14, 2013

Teaching Children The Art Of Giving.

The holiday season can get very busy and a bit crazy. This time of year not only do you have your normal responsibilities but you have all the holiday preparations to tend to. It is real easy to get caught up in the commercial side of Christmas as well. On Saturday mornings commercials between cartoons flood children's minds with what is shiny and new. There is nothing wrong with wanting a new toy or item, but some parents want more than that for their children. They want to create a lasting memory and guide their child towards a life of philanthropy. A philanthropist is someone who promotes the welfare of others. 

I really credit the fact that my sons are very passionate about nature and wildlife because they watched their parents donate time at the local shelter, donate money to help feed hungry animals and rescue abandoned animals. My youngest son Josh has a special touch with younger children. In his tween years he left public school and we homeschooled him the rest of middle school and high school.

Nov 18, 2013

What To Tell Your Children About Santa

While raising our boys. The topic of telling our children the truth about Santa became a regular seasonal discussion around our house. This subject can be really hard for parents. Especially a holiday so commercialized. Questions parents often ask themselves are: Am I taking my child's imagination away if I tell them the truth? Is a little white lie that harmful?

Nov 7, 2013

Book Review: Kai And The Magic Jacket

Kai And The Magic Jacket By Tricia Chinn Campbell 

A must read children's book.
To all you parents out there looking for a great example to show & teach your children about having a relationship with spirit, ancestors, guardian angels and guides. Kai And The Magic Jacket depicts an exemplary example of how to demonstrate to your children how they can listen, feel and call upon spirit at any given time. 

Oct 24, 2013

10 Tips For Releasing Your Child's Inner Creativity.

(Maggie and daddy doing a science project, being artistic
and hiding out in her fort coloring with her daddy.)

Children love to create and be busy with activities. Creating special projects gives them a sense of empowerment. Especially kinesthetic learners. They love anything that is hands on. Appreciating a child's finished product helps to build their self-esteem.

Here are 10 Tips for releasing your child's inner creativity.

Oct 17, 2013

Let There Be Peace On Earth And Let It Begin With Me!

Recently Stacy's daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter took a fieldtrip to The RedSun Labyrinth in Victor Montana. She came home, full of life. Her spirit was lit up. She was totally balanced and grounded from connecting with the vibration and energy of the Labyrinth. She couldn't stop talking about all the fun she had. While at the Labyrinth she walked in silence through the spiral maze tuning into and feeling the energy.

Oct 8, 2013

Do Your Children Speak To You About Their Past Lives Or Reincarnation Memories?

Children are very aware of spirit, past life memories and discarnate beings. Their memories tend to fade by age seven unless as a parent you allow for conversation and expansion. While raising our children we purposely allowed a space for growth and their own truth and beliefs. If they were telling us something that may have seemed absurd we didn't shut them down or discount what they were saying. Our minds were always open to what they had to say.

Noah St. John Releases New Book: The Book of Afformations: Discovering the Missing Piece to Abundant Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness

The Book of Afformations World Tour kicked off October 7th. We are very happy to be part of the tour and bring you more information about Noah St. John.
Our new friend, author Noah St. John, has just released his new book from Hay House, The Book of Afformations: Discovering The Missing Piece to Abundant Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness and it’s an amazing read.

Sep 19, 2013

When It's Time To Take A Step Back And Let Your Children Expand Their Wings Into Adulthood.

Our friend Dean Odysseus Yacalis has written a heartfelt riveting truer than true article about raising his rainbow warrior son and the process of stepping back and letting his wings fly little by little as adult hood encroaches upon his son in two years. Dean speaks of his own reluctance, knowing the time is ticking and his best friend and teacher will one day leave the nest. We invite you to visit Dean's blog and read his latest article.

The End of the Beginning...The Emergence of the Rainbow Warrior

Sep 17, 2013



Signs & Symptoms of Inner Peace
A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences

An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment