Aug 13, 2020

Creating a Well-Rounded, Healthy Home for Your Family

Studies show we will spend the majority of our lives indoors. According to House Beautiful, the average household will spend 90% of their lives indoors -- and nearly 67% of that time in their own homes. These percentages are only likely to increase in the midst of global pandemic.

Learn how to put together a home that promotes physical and emotional wellness for all members of your family.

Get Some Rest

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), "Research shows that a chronic lack of sleep, or getting poor quality sleep, increases the risk of disorders including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, and obesity." Protect all members of your family by taking steps to ensure they get quality sleep. Here are a few tips and tricks to promote quality, restful sleep in your home.

Jul 23, 2020

Teaching children how to connect with how they are feeling is a valuable tool.

Parenting is not an easy job but it's the best job anyone could ever have. The children of today are the future of tomorrow. Today we have so many more tools available and so much more knowledge than when our parents were raising us. Such as the fact that our thoughts and emotions have a huge impact on our bodies.

Author Dr. Bruce Lipton's research shows that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. 

Jun 28, 2020

The Little Rose Book Review

Sheri Fink's the little Rose is the cutest most adorable children's picture book. 

We fell in love with the expressions on each page. 

A perfect addition to our conscious parenting children's book library!

The illustrations of Mary Erikson Washam are exquisite! 

the little Rose takes your young child on a journey and discovers the gift of self expression!

Fill up your library with more delightful children's books at Whimsical World Books

Review by Stacy and Carol ~ Intentional Conscious Parenting

the little Rose book review

"An excellent resource for award-winning and quality children's books that encourage actions of tolerance, acceptance, and staying true to the core of one's self." 
~ Jack Canfield, co-creator of Chicken Soul for the Soul

Sheri Fink
Inspirational Speaker, #1 Best-selling, Award-winning Author, and President of Whimsical World 

Jun 15, 2020

Going Back to School Stress-Free

It’s nearly August! For some parents, their kids are already thinking about going back to
school. For others, they’re about to be. A new semester of school means new opportunities, but also more stress. Here’s how your kids can have a stress-free return to school.

Therapy for Stress
If you’re suffering from stress, worry, anxiety, depression, or another mental health problem, speaking to a counselor may help. In today’s hectic world, it’s a challenge to commit to seeing a therapist every week. Online therapy makes it easier. Sites such as ReGain can help.

Why Are They Stressing?
The best way to help your children deal with back to school stress is to figure out why they’re stressing. Are they just sad that summer is over, or is it something else? 

Jun 11, 2020

How to Promote Safety for Your Athletic Kids Without Discouraging Them

When your kids are athletic, it can be easy to jump right into protective parent mode. You want your children to be safe while they're participating in the sports they love, right? Unfortunately, too much emphasis on safety for your athletic children might have the opposite effect that you want it to. Rather than bolstering their knowledge and passion for playing their sport right, it may discourage them from playing at all.

How do you balance talks about safety with encouragement for your athletic kids? Here are a few tips to help you out.

May 12, 2020

How to Keep Your Kids Engaged This Summer

With each passing day we get closer to summer. For kids, it means a blissful two-month vacation and time spent in the backyard. For parents, it means spending more time as a family and learning how to keep your kids' education going throughout the summer months. If you're stuck for ideas, here are a few ways you can help keep your kids' minds fully engaged this summer.

Encourage Creative Writing

Writing essays over the summer is no fun for your kids. Then again, you can't just let your children go all summer without practicing some of their writing skills. This is especially important for children who are just beginning to grasp writing comprehensively. The good news is that it doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, you can fit it right into your summer recreation schedule! Say you're one of the 87 million people who participate in recreational boating. Before or after you've taken your family boat out for the day, ask your kids to write you a story about your family boat. Just make sure they both have a pencil, paper, and the means to draw as many pictures to illustrate the story as they want. You just might be surprised at how easily activities like this can foster a love of writing for fun.

Mar 27, 2020

4 Simple Ways To Empower Your Kids

4 simple ways to empower your kids

Parenting is tough, and there are always plenty of outside opinions from others on how to be the best possible parent. The fact is that recommended parenting styles have changed a lot over time. Where decades ago people really felt as if being a strict, rigid parent was the best tactic, now we know that there are serious problems that come with this approach.

Children can have permanent emotional issues when their parents raise them in a distant manner, valuing perfection over embracing who the kids really are as people.

Mar 26, 2020

How to Keep Your Kids Entertained While You're Working from Home

Parents have to deal with many unexpected things with raising a child. It’s part of the job. Despite that, you probably didn’t expect to deal with schools suddenly closing for the year and a government order to primarily stay inside. In these challenging times, you can try new and interesting ways to not only keep your child entertained but also help them practice some academic skills. Use this list of activities to help keep your child occupied during this time.

1. Play-Doh

Play-Doh is a simple and easy way to get your child doing a hands-on activity where they can use their imagination. You might not usually allow your children to use Play-Doh in the house, but given the need for entertainment options, perhaps this time can be an exception. Set your children up in an area of your home where there’s as little furniture or other items around in your home that you don’t want Play-Doh to get on. You could also place some sheets on the floor to keep it from getting on your carpet. You can enjoy the creations your child puts together, and even show them what you can make with Play-Doh. You and your children can easily stay at a distance from each other while enjoying this activity.

Mar 13, 2020

Your Sherpa Your Guide To Teaching Children About Money

At first, I told people my mission was to help them become financially literate. Eventually, I realized that merely mentioning the term ‘financial literacy’ can put people to sleep, as they perceive it to be tedious, academic, and all about math.  It then became clear that my true mission is to show people that financial literacy is a means to an end, a tool, to achieve better life outcomes. Don’t we all want better life outcomes? like the independence and freedom to enjoy and care for our kids, not to be dependent on our kids when we are old, to be able to give to others, and in general be able to take control of our lives so that we can unlock our potential.

Another realization I had was the importance of delivering age-specific messages:

For a very young audience it is best to motivate them to want to save money by showing them how money can grow.

For a high school student, the message needs to be clear that they are making huge life decisions, even at this seemingly young age, such as choosing an initial career path and selecting a college.  Many of their peers are making purely emotional decisions and choosing colleges they can’t afford and careers they are not passionate about or do not generate the earning power needed to pay off college debt.

Feb 24, 2020

How Does Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Benefit My Family?

You’ve heard about AD And D insurance and it sounds like a good idea, but how exactly does it work and how do you know if you need it? Here’s a quick guide, based on a conversation with busy Philadelphia life insurance attorney Chad Boonswang, Esq.
What is AD And D Insurance?

Feb 20, 2020

The Dangers of Screen Time and How You Can Keep Kids Active

During the winter months, it can be difficult to find ways to limit screen time for kids. With most outdoor activities off the list and limited space indoors, it’s easy to fall into a pattern of letting kids watch TV or play online games for most of the day; however, this increase in screen time can end up becoming habit-forming, quickly escalating to additional screen time during the summer months as well. While we often hear about the negative impact that screen time can have on young children, it’s important to understand the dangers and address how we can prevent it.

The Long-Term Impact of Screen Time

In recent years, many studies have been conducted to better understand the consequences of media usage in childhood development and the results have so far been concerning. In the United States, nearly one in every 12 children between the ages of three and 17 has some type of disorder relating to speech, voice, and language development.
While these disorders can be linked to specific learning disorders, research has also found a correlation between screen time and language delay. Dr. Catherine Birken, a pediatrician and scientist in Toronto, assessed multiple children from 2011 to 2015 to gauge how screen time was impacting normal development. Her team discovered that children who used handheld devices for more than 28 minutes every day showed a significant delay in expressive speech. She concluded that for every additional 30 minutes a child is exposed to screen time there was a 49% increase in the risk of speech delay.

Feb 14, 2020

We Are Excited To Share With You A New Book Collaboration; Women On Purpose

We are truly honored to be a part of such a wonderful book collaboration with so many inspirational women! Being able to share our stories has been enriching and a little scary. We are vulnerable and share things we haven't shared very often. Enjoy the read and be sure to leave your review on Amazon! Thanks for the support. Energetic Blessings, Carol and Stacy

Have you gone through periods in your life where everyone else seemed to be way more aligned to their purpose than you?

Many of us feel behind on our life’s mission. Our highest calling can often feel right at our fingertips, yet slightly out of reach.