Oct 14, 2021

5 Ways to Help Prepare Your Teen for Adulthood

As your teen gets closer to adulthood with each new year, it's your duty as a parent to help prepare them. Many responsibilities await them, and you want them to thrive, probably ending up with a successful family of their own at the right time. Here are five ways you can help prepare them for adulthood so they will start on the right foot when the time comes to start making decisions on their own.

Oct 12, 2021

Simple Ways to Prepare Your Home Before Giving Birth

As you get ready to bring your bundle of joy home, it's a great idea to prepare the home and make sure that it's warm and welcoming. If you'd like to see some ways in which you can prepare your home before the little one arrives, have a look below. 

Sep 22, 2021

3 Simple Ways to Protect Your Kids From Potential Dangers

In today's world of uncertainty, it is more important than ever to protect your children. Children are exposed to dangers from every angle. It is the responsibility of parents to protect their children from dangers far and near. Here are several ways to make sure you protect your children.

Sep 15, 2021

5 Ways You Can Help Your Teen Cope With Anxiety

With cases of teen anxiety on a steady increase, it's important for any parent to know how they can help their teen cope with it. To make sure that you're raising a healthy and well-adjusted family, it's good to empower your children with good self-esteem and enable them to cope well in stressful situations. If you believe that your teenager is prone to anxiety, here are five ways in which you can help them.

Aug 20, 2021

How to Keep Your Kids Healthy on a Budget

As a parent, you want to keep your family healthy. However, when you're working on a budget, this can seem difficult, especially since it seems like so much healthy food is more expensive than unhealthy selections. Fortunately, there are ways to keep your kids healthy on a budget, and most are easy to do! If you want to start taking steps to keep your family healthier, here are the top four tips you need to know.

Aug 12, 2021

How to Get Your Kids Offline and Outside

getting kids outside

With so much entertaining technology right at our fingertips, it can be difficult to get kids outside when they can explore whole new worlds through video games and videos. However, it doesn't have to be an impossible feat, and there are some simple ways that you can help disconnect your kids from their devices and get them out into the sunshine.

Jul 31, 2021

Every Day Home Remedies.

Some Interesting Home Remedies For Getting Rid Of Lice, Treating Burns, Reducing Inflammation and Relieving Headaches. 

1. Lice - You can use mayonnaise to suffocate lice. 

2. Another Lice prevention tip: put tea tree oil in your shampoo bottles. 
3. Burn your tongue? Put some sugar on it. 
4. Another great alternative treatment for external burns is comfrey salve. Learn how to make your own to keep your medicine cabinet stocked up every year. 
5. Inflammation? Sweet potatoes and yams are high in beta-carotene a natural anti-inflammatory.

Jul 28, 2021

10 Ways To Parent Consciously Ebook

10 Ways To Parent Consciously – Parenting In The New Paradigm By Carol Lawrence & Stacy Toten (From Intentional Conscious Parenting)
"The perfect addition to your conscious parenting toolbox. This book bridges the gap for those seeking to shift from traditional parenting to a more mindful present approach."
Dr. Shefali Tsabary Author and Clinical Psychologist

Jul 21, 2021

Free Flowing Child

Free Flowing Child
~By Carol Lawrence and Stacy Toten

(Originally posted on Intentional Conscious Parenting on July 8th, 2010)

All children are spiritual beings that have come to have a human experience. We know each parent wants to have their belief system instilled in their children. We just ask you to allow and not shut off other avenues of exploration for them. Inspired children can think outside of themselves.

What works for you now may not work for your children twenty years from now. No one knows what will be needed in our future. That's why living in the moment is so valuable!

When you are raising a free-flowing child you are brick by brick building their foundation. A foundation is his or her rock! It is what they will rely on, stand on, go to, hold onto whenever it is needed.

Remember your free-flowing child that you are raising will carry their foundation into their adulthood and then begin building their own foundation with their own bricks. You are raising an adult. It is very important to never forget this fact.

These are tools to help form and mold your child's foundation.

Jul 15, 2021

How to Help Your Teen Prepare for College Life

The topic of what one wants to be when one grows up is becoming more pressing in many teens' lives, and many teenagers respond by ignoring it or becoming agitated about future plans like college. What are some ways that you as a parent can help your teen prepare for college life? A teen-friendly approach is the greatest place to start. Here are some pointers for parents like yourself who'd like to help.

Talk About Their Career Options and Interests

Jul 12, 2021

Driving Tips to Help Keep Your Family Safe

Driving makes getting from place to place a lot easier. Sadly, though as much as driving is convenient, the world of driving has its own challenges. Let's look at safety on the road and some of the precautions you can take in order to minimize potential harm to your family members.

Follow All Traffic Laws

Jun 28, 2021

Safe Delivery: Advice for Mothers-To-Be About the Big Day

Planning a hospital Baby Delivery
On delivery day, the last thing you want to be worried about is logistics! This quick guide will lay out some essential tips for expecting mothers and help prepare them for a safe and healthy delivery at a hospital. 

What Should You Plan Beforehand?

Pre-register at the Hospital 

To help rid yourself of anxiety and stress, you should pre-register at the hospital you plan to attend. Additionally, you should inform the hospital staff of your labor and delivery preferences. If all the information is known beforehand, then you don’t have to worry about miscommunication and other possible misunderstandings on behalf of the hospital staff.