Showing posts with label the power of color. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the power of color. Show all posts

Mar 13, 2014

Colors can be used for supporting a purpose, treating disease, balancing dysfunctional Chakras and enhancing your home and life.

As I grab a cup of coffee and sit down to write today I'm drawn to the topic of color and healing. We've touched on the subject of color before but it's prevalent in my mind today so I'm listening to my intuition and exploring it even deeper. Maybe it's because I have an arm sprain that's been needing some attention this past week. Maybe, it's because I'm energetically shifting from Winter to Spring with mother earth. I'm craving to be surrounded by strong brilliant bold colors. Today i'm surrounded by purple. I'm wearing purple and drinking out of a purple coffee cup. Soon very soon I'll be able to fill my flower pots and revel in the visits from the bubble bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Every day the snow is melting more and the birds are returning here to Montana.

The funny thing is when I began to write this post for you today I was drawn to a favorite book of mine that I haven't opened in years. Light Emerging-The Journey Of Personal Healing by Barbara Ann Brennan. I randomly opened it to page 114 and was nearly brought to tears as words and colors popped out at me. Words and colors not just for me but for others in my life. Maybe you'll benefit from them as well. :)

Sound and color are created by vibrational waves, they both have structure and a frequency of vibration. Color is essential for health. We need all the colors in the auric fields, when we are clear, we are automatically attracted to the colors we need.

Feb 20, 2013

Our Article "The Power of Color" is In The Winter Issue Of Pathways To Wellness Magazine!

We are excited to share with you that our article "The Power of Color" is in the winter issue of Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine.

Pathways to Family Wellness collaborates with consciousness leaders, cutting-edge scientists and researchers, families on a conscious path, holistic practitioners, and dynamic nonprofit organizations to bring the most current insights into wellness to their readers. We were honored when they emailed us and asked if they could use our article. Some of you may have read it already right here on Intentional Conscious Parenting, we have a whole page dedicated to color.

Oct 2, 2012

Teaching children how to use color for healing, protection and balancing.

One of the best tools a parent or caregiver can teach a child is how to safely and proactively set up energetic boundaries with color. Everything is energy. We all have an energetic body and run on different frequencies. There are numerous resources on the web about the energy body, chakras, frequency and using light for healing. To keep it simple we are just going to focus on the main techniques to teach children how to create healthy energetic boundaries using color for health, happiness and protection.

As your child moves through her daily activities. He will come across situations and people who may resonate at a different frequency. This can feel uncomfortable and unsettling. Sometimes your child may feel unwell and need some added assistance rejuvenating and healing his body. When schedules get over piled and activities accelerated, becoming unbalanced is inevitable. Here are a few color techniques to show your children to help them stay balanced, healthy and safe energetically.

Have your child sit or stand and close their eyes.