Jan 27, 2011

We Won The Stylish Blogger Award

We are honored to have won the Stylish Blogger Award from Vedette creator and writer of  Journey Through A Fulfilling Life ~ The Magical Story Of A Pagan Unschooling Family.
Be sure to try out Vedette's Lavender Cookie Recipe. Thank you Vedette.

This is a pay if forward award.
There are 4 duties to perform to receive this award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award  

2. Share 7 things about yourself:
This blog is co-authored by Stacy and Carol so we'll share a little bit about both of us.

1. Carol loves the color PINK.
2. Stacy loves to cook.
3. We both love to scrapbook. 
4. Carol loves watching the Green Bay Packers and is having a Super Bowl Party!
5. Stacy grew up going to Disney Land a lot.
6. We both were extras in the movie Mars Attacks.
7. Carol is reading around 12 books right now. 

3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers 
I have to say this was a very hard choice. We follow so many great blogs, there's so much new talent out there! Here's the blogs we whittled our choices down too.

1. Tantrums, Troubles and Treasures

2. Blessed Elements Going Green

3. Mama Naturale
4. Mommy Pants
6. Living, Loving,Laughing
7. STL Family Life
8. Fathering Now ~A call to arms to engage Life and to Father in the Now
9. Marriage, Motherhood & Mental Health ~ Our lives, our babies, our relationships.
Be Positive Mom
11.  The Shaded Shadows!!!
12. Transplanted Thoughts 4 boys, 3 liver transplants...Life is still funny. 
13. Living it up in bankrupt California.
14. The Wheelchair Mommy
15. KM Kirby Napkins

Our BlogFrog Community is hopping right along and we'd love for you to join us! 

Have a conscious parenting question? Email your question to Carol & Stacy at intunedparenting@gmail.com

Review & Giveaway coming soon.

Jan 26, 2011

Have you seen the newest ebook news? $1 Billion in sales predicted for 2011

For all my fellow authors I wanted to make sure you saw this article! I'm embarking on an adventure of writing an ebook soon.
*Do you have any tips?
*Where's a good place to get an ebook cover?
*Does it cost to make an ebook?
*Have you written an informative article about writing ebooks? Please share your link if you have.

Jan 25, 2011

On My Way To A Happy Life Children's Book Review & Give Away!

New York Times best selling authors Deepak Chopra and Kristina Tracy have written the most deliberate well rounded children's book.

On My Way To A Happy Life incorporates 7 simple timeless lessons that teach children how to create a happy and joyful life. Positive lessons spill off every colorful page. The intricate illustrations tell their own stories. 

On My Way To A Happy Life empowers children to create who they want to be, introducing universal laws in the simplest of ways. 

Perfect for the conscious parent who wants to instill confidence, life long universal tools, the art of giving and receiving, the importance of choices and the power of acceptance. 

This is the perfect little children's book for inspiring kids to create a happy life and start to formulate a solid foundation.

~Perfect for all ages: Starting from in the womb through 100~

Win a copy of On My Way To A 
Happy Life. Leave a comment why you would like to win this book or share your favorite book by Deepak Chopra or Kristina Tracy. For extra chances to win follow us ICP on Facebook, follow Hay House on Facebook.

Written By: Carol Lawrence & Stacy Toten

Have a conscious parenting question? Email your question to Carol and Stacy - intunedparenting@gmail.com

Review & Giveaway coming soon of Soul To Soul Parenting

Jan 23, 2011

The Winner Of The Conscious Parent Is...And Surprise Give Away!

On Christmas Day we released our review and give away announcement of a brand new parenting book on the market called The Conscious Parent Transforming ourselves empowering our children. 

Here is a copy of our review followed by the winner of her very own copy!
Preface by his Holiness the Dalai Lama

Shefali Tsabary raises the bar in the parenting realm with her new book
The Conscious Parent. She demonstrates several examples on how to take day to day parenting to a new level. Be advised after reading her astounding new book you will never look at parenting the same way. 

She shares with you a whole new perspective on the conscious parenting process. When followed and applied the techniques and tools Shefali teaches can last you a lifetime.

Shefali truly channels the conscious connections of parenting from an authentic place. When you parent from your conscious self you learn how to parent from a place from within. By reconnecting with this part of yourself you begin to practice living in the now and are more fully able to to implement conscious parenting practices. The conscious parent is jam packed with much needed information. This book is nothing like any other book on the market. The Conscious Parent shows you that the parenting process is really about the parent!

My top five favorite messages from The Conscious Parent.
1. I really loved that throughout The Conscious Parent, Shefali reaffirms the process of parenting and life is more important than the outcome.
2. Your unconsciousness isn't your children's to inherit: it is yours to excavate. Being a conscious parent means you are increasingly aware of your unconsciousness as it arises in day to day situations.
3. Shefali demonstrates through her own experiences how to honor your children for their essential qualities such as joy, peace, authenticity, courage and trust.
4. By being fully present with your child, you learn how to make the simple moments count.
5. Shefali shows you how through your children you can learn how to really live, meet your children as they are being to being!

Add The Conscious Parent (book) by Shefali Tsabary to your conscious parenting library today.

"Shefali Tsabary's invaluable book shows how the challenges of parenting can become a great opportunity for spiritual awakening. Becoming a fully conscious parent is the greatest gift you can give to your child." ~ Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power Of Now and A New Earth (hardcover) by Eckhart Tolle

Learn more about Shefali Tsabary, PhD at Namaste Publishing.

Shop Namaste

The winner of The Conscious Parent (book) by Shefali Tsabary is Mallory! Congrats Mallory.
We tallied up all the comments from on our blog, BlogFrog Community and Social Moms and picked a winner using random.org.

Just for fun I wanted to share the daily quote from Abraham Hicks from  Saturday 1-22-2011.
Daily Law of Attraction Quotation
Our Varied Behavior Adds to the Planet's Well-Being... When you remember that nothing can come into your experience without your Vibrational invitation of it, then you do the simple work of paying attention to your own Vibrational offering, and you save yourself the enormous and impossible task of controlling the behavior of others. When you remember that the varied behavior of others adds to the balance and the Well-Being of your planet even if they offer behavior that you do not approve of; and that you do not have to participate in the unwanted behavior, and will not - unless you give your attention to it - you become more willing to allow others to live as they choose.
--- Abraham

Excerpted from the book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships 

You can read a new daily quote every day on our blog.

On a occasion we like to pick a winner from our newsletter subscriber list!
Congratulations Sandy! This workbook is based on Louise's bestselling book You Can Heal Your Life.

Have you signed up for our newsletter yet? We promise to never spam. This is our way of keeping in touch with you, sharing our latest blog posts and contacting our winners. 
Newsletter Sign Up On Right Side Of Blog. 

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Intentional Conscious Parenting BlogFrog Community is now immersed into our blog. Join our ICP community, interact with others, start a conversations, join a conversation in progress without even leaving our blog! Click on the ICP BlogFrog Community tab above or go here.. ICP BlogFrog welcome page.

Thanks for reading our blog. Keep an eye out for our latest review and give away.
We have a very exciting review of a brand new children's book coming up this week by a very famous author. Can you guess who it is?

Written By: Carol Lawrence

Jan 20, 2011

There's something big happening in the Blogosphere! Are you part of it?

As you may know we also have a BlogFrog Intentional Conscious Parenting Community.        
Our community is growing by leaps and bounds. 

BlogFrog Now Connects 50,000 Mom Bloggers to 5.5 Million Women Online.
“While offering the creative platform for women to chronicle motherhood, blogs lack the capability to be networked and social,” said Rustin Banks, CEO and Co-Founder of BlogFrog. “This is where BlogFrog jumps in. BlogFrog gives bloggers a way to bring their readers together in a community that is centered around and integrated into their blog. It’s the glue that connects women online with topics they are passionate about.” 

This fast-paced growth and vision has attracted former executives from Google, Hewlett-Packard, and other high profile companies to invest in an undisclosed Series A round of funding. BlogFrog will use this funding to enhance community features, grow its team, enable strategic partnerships, and accelerate growth of the BlogFrog network for brand advertisers and bloggers. 

BlogFrog serves bloggers by letting them add an instant community to their blog or website, enabling readers to participate in discussions about like-minded topics. BlogFrog powers and connects thousands of these niche communities in growing topics such as parenting, relationships, military wives, cancers survivors, eco-living, infertility, frugality, and many others. BlogFrog helps bloggers:
Build stronger connections with their readers and visitors.
Engage with their readers by answering questions, sharing photos, posting videos and hosting live conversations.
Drive more traffic and page views to their blog.
Increase loyalty and repeat visits from readers.
Earn revenue from day one, regardless of the size of their blog.

After viewing our new page we would love your feedback and for you to join our BlogFrog Intentional Conscious Parenting Community.

Hop on over to our Intentional Conscious Parenting BlogFrog Community!
Meet new friends...Join a conversation.....or start a new conversation.
Share your parenting ideas, leave links to your website, Facebook page or other social networking sites, but most of all HAVE FUN!

***Occasional live chats***

Here's few reasons why you might want to join us on The BlogFrog!

  1. BlogFrog is the largest network of mom blogs in the United States.
  2. Former executives from Google, Hewlett-Packard, and other high profile companies have invested in BlogFrog giving the company an undisclosed Series A round of funding.
  3. In less than 18 months, BlogFrog has become the nation’s fastest growing women’s network with over 50,000 mom bloggers reaching over 5.5 million women online.    Fathers and Men are very welcome in our community. Dads you have a lot to say. We want to hear it!
  4. Research shows that despite their purchasing power, women still feel deeply misunderstood by brands and advertisers. BlogFrog’s vision is to create a mutually beneficial ecosystem where brands and bloggers both win through lasting, loyal, trusted communities.
  5. As a top women’s destination on the web, BlogFrog has attracted household brand names such as International Delight, Hallmark, and LivingSocial.

Together we can grow a large community of like minded parents and people with a focus on Intentional Conscious Parenting! Parenting with Passion... Are you in????

If you are a brand, business or publishing company that is centered around conscious parenting, conscious children's books, conscious parenting books, spirituality, open mindedness, spiritual/physical health, holistic health, sustainability, law of attraction or conscious living principles and would like to sponsor our Blog Frog community please contact Carol at intunedparenting@gmail.com or simply join our Blog Frog community and look for the sponsor link on the bottom left of page.

Happy Hopping!

We are honored and grateful to be part of BlogFrogs groundbreaking instant community platform.

Do you have a BlogFrog community and you want to embed it in your blog?
Step by Step Instructions: 

  1. Open two more windows on your computer or open one more window after printing these instructions. One internet window is for your Blogfrog and one is for your blog. So they both can be open and accessible.
  2. In one window go to your Blogfrog community. Go to Show Admin Menu (left side of community)
  3. Look for and click on New! Embed Community
  4. In your second window go to your blog. You need to add a new PAGE
  5. Don't put anything on your new page. Title your page. 
  6. Back on your blogfrog page you should see embed community instructions look for the html code that is inside a box.
  7. Copy the code. (Highlight with your mouse, right click "copy"
  8. Then go to your New page on your blog. It should still be open and in the dashboard or behind the scenes setting. Paste your code (right click , scroll down left click on paste)
  9. Then publish your page. 
  10. The first few times I did this my html code would not show up but if I highlighted it I could see that it was there. I published it anyways and it worked.
  11. If you have any problems let Carol know and she's happy to help. intunedparenting@gmail.com or leave a message on the Blogfrog.
  12. After publishing your page refresh your blog and go to your new page. It might take just a few seconds to switch over to your community.
  13. Let all your readers know your Blogfrog community is now part of your blog.

I'm A Winner!

One of the funnest things we get to do around here is offer give aways and prizes to our readers. It's always fun to use random.org and pick a winner. It's even more fun to contact the winning reader and mail off their book or prize! We also love to enter drawings/prizes taking place around the blogosphere by our favorite bloggers.

I recently won a prize from the blog Satisfaction For Insatiable Readers ~ Feed Your Need To Read. My new book is a perfect addition to my reading/publishing library!

~The Essential Guide To Getting Your Book Published~
How to Write It, Sell It, and Market It....Successfully! By Arielle Eckstut and David Henry Sterry
This book even includes information about E-books and Social Media.

Thank you Gina! The Essential Guide To Getting Your Book Published is loaded with information!
Writing a book? Is the E-book craze commanding your attention but you don't know how to go about getting started? Do you want to take Social media to the next level? This book just might be what you are looking for.

The Essential  Guide to Getting Your Book Published: How to Write It, Sell It, and Market It . . . Successfully (Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published: How to Write)

Written by: Carol Lawrence