Apr 7, 2016

Intentional Conscious Parenting: Connecting With Nature

Hi everyone, we created a new video for you. This weeks conscious parenting tip is from Chapter Five of our upcoming parenting book 10 Tips For Parenting Consciously. This weeks tip is all about connecting with nature.

Connecting with nature is one of the methods we feel can truly help your child become balanced and grounded. Walking barefoot can connect you and your child with the currents of the earth if you allow it. Children can't help but feel the energy from the earth as it penetrates their physical body and nourishes their soul.

Mar 31, 2016

Intentional Conscious Parenting: Building Self-Esteem and Confidence

We have exciting news! Our International Conscious Parenting book is in the final editing stages. Today we want to share a quick parenting tip with you from chapter nine: Building Self - esteem and Confidence. 

It is important to support your childrens endeavors no matter how creative they get! 

It is important to support your childrens endeavors no matter how creative they get.
Remember they are children and their ideas will change many times. By encouraging them you are building their self-esteem and confidence. In turn feeding their mind, body and soul. Be open to saying "yes" or at least hearing out their ideas. Encourage them to draw, speak their mind, ask questions, play musical instruments, try sports, sit quietly and read a book or play in the dirt. Every child is so unique and their sensitivity levels are vastly different. That's why it is so vitally important to parent each child on their own individual level.
(Excerpt from our upcoming book 10 Tips For Parenting Consciously)

Carol Lawrence is an energetic practitioner, blogger, artist, children's author, social media manager, author interviewer, and co-host of The Intentional Conscious Parenting Show. She has been happily married for thirty years, a mother of two Indigo sons, has several animals and loves nature, exploring the human mind, spirituality, reading, writing, mother earth, walking around in the forests of Montana and doing her part to make the world a better place. 

Stacy Toten is a doctor of Metaphysics. She has been a practitioner for over twenty-five years, blogger, children's author, book reviewer, author interviewer, co-author of M.A.S.S. 101 Man Approaching Simple Soulutions, children's behavioral management coach, artist and co-host of The Intentional Conscious Parenting Show. She is happily married for 35 years, she has two Indigo daughters, 2 cats and 2 dogs. Her passions are writing, reading, mother earth, swimming in the ocean, movies and sharing her spiritual gifts with the world and working with parents and children.

Together intuitively Carol and Stacy are fulfilling a calling and a passion to write children's picture books. They provide nurturing tips and encouragement for parents walking an intentional spiritual conscious parenting path by supplying an inviting platform for their established parenting community. Visit Intentional Conscious Parenting for author interviews, book reviews, live author chats and conscious parenting articles. 

Mar 10, 2016

Demonstrating to your children how to be in the present moment.

Demonstrating to your children how to be in the present moment.

A lot of children have the ability to stay in the moment, but if you have a child that has a hard time focusing and being present here are some tips.

  • Fully listen when you are in the middle of a conversation with your child. Turn off or remove distractions. Keep eye contact while talking with someone, especially your children. Show the ability to be able to listen without interrupting with an immediate response.

Jan 23, 2016

Five Ways To Have Fun With Your Kids On A Snow Day.

Snow days can be great for slowing our fast paced lives down.

That's one reason why we appreciate winter so much here in Montana.

After you've had fun playing in the snow consider these five fun activities to do indoors with your children.

1. Grab a warm drink and read a book together.
2. Game night! Break out all your board games and have fun. Our kids are adults and we still have game nights. You are never to old to play games.
3. Make a fort out of kitchen chairs and sheets or break out the tent and set it up in the biggest room in the house. Add pillows, blankets, books, some toys and a flashlight.

Jan 5, 2016

The Year of Abundance! Introducing Easy Breezy Prosperity.

We are very excited to be a part of Emmanuel Dagher's official launch for his new book, Easy Breezy Prosperity. He's giving away many free gifts including our guide: 10 Tips For Parenting Consciously.

When we come across something very special, our parenting audience is the first people we always think about sharing it with. This is one of those times. Learn more about Emmanuel's book and the fantastic gift package he created when you buy his amazing new book, Easy Breezy Prosperity.

After completing this book, all we can say is we are blown away! It enhances our perspective on how to create and enhance prosperity in our own lives.

We absolutely love how Emmanuel gives humanity to the "energy" of prosperity itself, and presents it in a spiritual, yet beautifully grounding way that actually makes shifts happen!

Dec 9, 2015

Identity - Growing Up With Labels

IdentityDefinition on Dictionary.com
The Sense of Self, Providing Sameness and Continuity In Personality

We've all seen the studies and heard the horrible stories, the ones where someone's life long career suddenly ends and within a few days they've dropped dead or committed suicide.

I don't bring this up to have a somber conversation. I tell you this to have a discussion and shed some light on a topic I don't feel receives enough attention.

The way we humans are wrapped up in our identities. The multiple roles we play as humans in a life time.

These roles are important and help shape our outer form, but when we tie everything we are into these roles and they suddenly change, the walls can come crashing down. Sometimes the change is planned and sometimes it's unexpected.

Let me give you an example. Jerry lives next door, he's been a logger for 25 years. Due to change in supply and demand for wood Jerry no longer can rely on his profession to pay the bills. He feels like it is the end of the world. He's a master at what he does. He's put his blood, sweat and tears into his profession. Over time it has became his identity. Everyone around his little town knows him and how he's won the local lumberjack contest several years in a row.

Dec 3, 2015

What If?

What if everyone had their basic needs met?
  • Shelter
  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Health Care
  • Survival needs cared for
I often wonder what would the world look like if these needs where met?

Would creativity shine through?
Would people's pain bodies become healed?
Would people look forward to going to their job of choice, not because they had to but because they wanted to?
Would more entrepreneurs show up?
Would crime go down?
Would people have more tolerance for other people's beliefs?
Would there be less of a need to control others?
Would people be happier?

I invite you to ponder these questions with me.

Carol Lawrence is the owner of Social Media Help 4 U, a virtual based business that supports authors and businesses based on integrity. She is also co-authors the blog Intentional Conscious Parenting and is an assistant editor for the family and parenting community at All Things Healing.