Showing posts with label Dr.Nadine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr.Nadine. Show all posts

Mar 26, 2013

Prevent a SUGAR habit By NADINE, N.D., C.N.S

Prevent a SUGAR habit
Creating RESULTS Holistic Center

Hello and thank you for reading another edition in the sugar series. This article addresses ways on preventing a sugar habit, especially while raising children. Heartfelt thanks and humble gratitude go out to each of you who contributed to this offering of possible solutions for others to explore. As with anything I write, should you as the reader find value in this information, please feel free to share it with another. If this is not for you, a simple thank you I pass, is acceptable.

habit can be defined as an established disposition or practice, meaning it is settled, ingrained, and recurrent. A habit is often unconscious and can be difficult to give up. What is clear with a habit is the behavior or activity was acquired through frequent repetition. If something is done repetitively, an addiction to that behavior or item is formed. As a Nutrition Specialist, when I see what I term as a sugar addiction, years of frequent repetition have occurred. Some of my clients repeat their habit or addiction in public, others hide their behavior. With any form of abuse, common identifiers can include words like hide, dishonest, punish, belittle, anger, lack of trust, self-hatred paired with a low self-esteem.

While exploring ways to prevent sugar addiction and/or sugar abuse, an opportunity exists to create frequent repetition

Dec 22, 2011

Tips For Holiday Thrival By Nadine N.D., C.N.S

Tips for Holiday Thrival
(part of theEating with Purpose series)
Creating RESULTS Holistic Center

A warm and festive Hello to each of you during this season of JOY
and PEACE. It can also be a season filled with land mines if we are
not present, and aware to make choices that serve us. During this
time of celebration,.we have the opportunity to gift each other with
self care. That self-care comes in the form of setting healthy
boundaries. When we set healthy boundaries around food, we allow
others to explore their own needs so that we are each taking
ownership for our health and well-being. Here are a few ways in
which you can claim ownership while making empowering choices
during this festive season.

  • Pre-Plan your events: When you plan for an event, or meal, you have a structure to follow. One suggestion is to eat clean Monday through Friday so you can enjoy that one splurge meal on Friday night or Saturday. Then get right back to your structure the very next meal.
  • Follow the 90/10 rule! Your body will respond to what you do 90 percent of the time. So one meal 'off' a scheduled program will not hurt you. Two meals 'off' will not hurt you. However having only one healthy meal a day will have detrimental effects on your progress.
  • Notify your hostess or restaurant of any Wheat, Dairy, Nut or Soy allergies so they can better serve your needs.
  • Ask for what you want in the restaurant rather than simply selecting off the choices provided within in the menu. As an example you can say “I would like 4 ounces of grilled salmon with two cups of steamed broccoli with no butter or salt added and a half a cup of rice.
  • You can request your salad dressing be provided on the side. Remember this is about owning your nutritional needs.
  • If the meal it at an awkward time
  • Eat before you go. You can have a large salad with others, add some lean meat if you desire. Bottom line.
  • DO NOT ARRIVE HUNGRY this will only lead to over eating then over groaning.
  • If you are eating in a buffet style get-together, walk the entire food line before putting anything on your plate. Choose 2-3 items you would like to explore then put a small portion (tablespoon) of that item on your plate. You can always go back for more if you enjoyed it.
  • Use a salad plate rather than a dinner plate at the buffet.
  • Drink a glass of room temperature water before starting your meal. The water will aid your digestion and notify you sooner that you really are satisfied/full.
  • Put your fork down between bites. Use smaller fork.
  • Throw away your plate when you are finished eating. This will remove temptation of hand to mouth disease.
  • Choose water or club soda with a twist of lime if you are at a group gathering where alcohol is being served. You do not have to have alcohol. Most folks simply want to make sure that you are OK...So if you are walking around with a club soda with a twist of lime or something similar you will most likely be left alone. Another consideration for alcohol is that it tends to turn your head towards high fat, high sodium and high sugared foods. By keeping to a club soda you will stick with your PLAN!!!
  • Enjoy the conversation as you are eating. BE PRESENT!! BE CONSCIOUS!!

The never ending Office Cookie Plate ~ I used to laugh when I'd go into the conference room, see the table loaded with junk food, and listen to everyone complaining about gaining 30 pounds with grazing. With all that sugar in the body, not much work got done later either, but what to do with all that FOOD???

  • Make a suggestion for all the food be placed in ONE spot, preferably a place you will not see or smell. Most over eating is a head game. If you can't see it, you won't want it. It is that simple.
  • Suggest there be only ONE day for excess food.
  • When you do eat the food, keep it to one room. Avoid taking it to your desk. That will only lead to mindless eating.

Oct 12, 2011

Thanks Bill King For Sponsoring Our All Star Chat!

Join in on our October 18th All-Star Live Chat and win!

All our past guest authors have been invited back for an all star evening. Join in on the fun and see what they've all been up to lately. Ask your writing or parenting questions.

Where? Right Here. Create a quick profile and join in live chat. Click the link, bookmark the page and put an alarm on your phone, computer or ipad or better yet, tape a reminder note to your computer. You don't want to miss this fun filled live chat.

Return here at 9 PM Eastern Time, 8 Central and follow the instructions to join in live chat.
Join in on the fun and receive this super cool positive gift from Bill King ~ Master mind behind I Don't Stink ~ For The Young And The Young At Heart

Visit I Don't Stink to teach your children all about positive thinking and register to use your very own kindness meter to log your families acts of kindness.

Everyone who joins in our live chat will win:

Screensavers: Download Bill's four incredible screensavers and start choosing to stay positive in your thinking today.  Each image in the screensaver contains a positive affirmation to help you achieve maximum results.  Also included is a Affirmations PDF to help you get your day started off right.  - The images are of sunsets, travels, nature and positive images I personally have taken while on several vacations and cruises.  The 4 screensavers are: Sunsets, Positive Thinking, Abundance, and Oneness.
7 Days to Inner Peace: A workbook designed for young adults ages 15 & up as a way to give them specific guidance on how to become aware and change their life. It include building blocks of Positivity, Forgiveness, Abundance, Gratitude, Balance, etc.
Adolescent's building block book: Daily workbook designed for the child and the parent to do together. It contains 21 building blocks or daily exercises along with additional material.

Sep 8, 2011

Live chats coming up with Dr. Nadine and Cathy Cassani Adams!

Here's who's coming up on The Intentional Conscious Parenting Show. 
Everyone is welcome to join in and ask your questions. These are free online interactive live events.

All live chats take place here on our Intentional Conscious Parenting Blog
9 PM Eastern, 8 Central, 7 Mountain and 6 Pacific. ~Prizes~

We want to send out a BIG THANK YOU to Grace from 
Grace has sponsored every single live chat we've hosted. She's always working hard to create something really artistic to give away to a lucky chat participant. 
If you would like to sponsor a live chat please email Carol for details at

Sep. 13th Dr Nadine ~ Eating Consciously

Join us and feel free to ask Dr. Nadine your nutrition and health questions. Are you raising a child that is noticeably irritated by certain foods? Do you find it hard to cook nutritiously? Need inspiration to loose unwanted weight? Bring your questions and join in on the fun.

An Ambassador for Health and Wellness, Dr Nadine serves first and foremost as a Naturopath and Holistic Nutrition Specialist. The philosophy she shares with her clients and readers is: NUTRITION IS THE KEY!!! that opens the gateway to your overall Health and Well-being!
Dr Nadine provides knowledge; making it possible to take greater personal responsibility and ownership of your overall health and well-being. Making new eating and lifestyle choices along the way will allow improvement in quality of life and allows for greater self-awareness, self-discovery, internal balance and self-healing.
A Cancer survivor, author, Licensed Minister, Intuitive and public speaker, Dr Nadinebrings over 30 years experience in the health and fitness industry. She is a nationally qualified Natural Bodybuilder and a coach for all levels and genre of people.
She is the creator of SOUL Food deck one by NADINE, N.D., C.N.S,
A Powerful Tool designed to Motivate, Inspire, Uplift and EMPOWER You as you FOCUS on your Diet, Fitness and Life Goals. Available NOW in iTunes for your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch device.

Need help now? Contact Dr. Nadine
SOUL Food in the iTunes store:
SOUL Food Fan Page:
Twitter: @DrNadine111
Nadine's Blog:

Sponsors And Prizes!
Stacy and Ed Toten will be giving away an autographed copy of their book, M.A.S.S. 101 Man Approaching Simple Soulutions and a Free Thinking T-Shirt
Grace from has a special gift planned for a lucky chat winner
A lucky winner will receive the Women Who Do To Much Motivational Card Deck

Sep. 27th Cathy Cassani Adams, LCSW, PCI Certified Parent Coach, Speaker and Yoga teacher returns to join us for an intimate chat about her second book.

The Self Aware Parent Two: 23 More Lessons For Growing With Your Child.

Check out Cathy's Blog at

Keep an eye out for our review.

Sponsors and Prizes.
Stacy and Ed Toten will be donating an autographed copy of their book, M.A.S.S. 101 Mann Approaching Simple Soulutions and a Free Thinking T-shirt.
Cathy Adams ~ The Self Aware Parent Two
Grace from will be donating a special prize for a lucky chat participant.

All our live chats take place right here on our blog in our Intentional Parenting Blogfrog community. Be sure to sign up ahead of time for a smooth transition at chat time.
(If your a blogger or you have a website this is a great way to advertise your site by putting information about yourself on your profile)
Contact Carol If you have any questions intunedparenting

Aug 6, 2011

Eating with Purpose ~ Heaven or Hell!!! By Dr. Nadine

Eating with Purpose ~ Heaven or HELL!!!
Creating RESULTS Holistic Center
Hello Glorious ICP Reader, and a HAPPY, JOY-filled day to you. 

The intention of this somewhat short note is to introduce myself and to see if what I have to offer, is of value to you.  Should you find value, then send a LIKIE LIKIE to Carol and Stacy so that I can write more in the Eating with Purpose series.

First, let me introduce myself... I am NADINE, a one of a kind Naturopath and Holistic Nutrition Specialist who also happens to be  an Intuitive or Clairvoyant.  What does all that mean?  Well, to put it mildly, I 'see' things going on internally with a body and have the tools/skills and knowledge to assist with the HEALING process either Energetically/Spiritually or Physically via NUTRITION.

I believe everyone is at CHOICE, and No is a perfectly good answer.  With that in mind, if what I write is not for you, simply say Thank You and leave it for the person it IS meant for.  On the other hand, should you choose LIKIE LIKIE, I will then break the series into parts (suggestions are listed below)  This first issue will focus on the concept of:   Heaven or HELL!!!
Let's jump in!  Towards the end of a consultation I was having in a Starbucks the other day, my potential client says “I know this is off topic, but do you believe in Heaven or Hell??

WOW, talk about a conversation closer... or opener in this situation.  He gave me a perfect opening, which I will admit I grabbed onto with both hands and smacked it on the butt.  YES I believe in HELL!!  I also believe that WE CREATE that HELL.  Just looking around Starbucks I saw a group of kids under 12 drinking frozen Sugar and Caffeine loaded drinks topped with whip cream (aka more sugar). PLEASE TELL ME, because I truly want to know, WHAT KID NEEDS all that SUGAR???  What KID needs all that stimulation?  What KID can handle the adrenal gland overload?  What KID can handle having their immune system shut down?  Or having a complete short circuiting of their central nervous system?  Talk about HELL.

Next I gazed upon a group of women loading their bodies with enough complex carbohydrates and sugar to spin their Insulin levels and Hormones OFF THE FREEKIN CHARTS.  Have we mentioned HELL???  You ask a woman in the middle of a HOT Flash what Hell feels like.. I am sure she will tell you.  Or ask a young woman suffering from PMS so bad she is doubled over in pain; or suffers from endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, mood swings, etc.  THAT in my book IS HELL!!!  And it is all created by what we put IN our Mouth.  We made the CHOICE to eat the very thing that created the havoc within the body.

Just then I looked down at what my potential client was eating:  a Wheat bagel topped off with a 2” thick 'smear' of cream Cheese.  As a side note: the combination of Wheat + Dairy form a very Nasty Gluey Pasty SLUDGE in the digestive track.  I had a very strong feeling
this man was going to Feel HELL within the hour.
The human body is an incredible healing machine and when given the support it needs, will heal itself, since all healing comes from within.  NUTRITION is the KEY!!! that opens the gateway to your overall health and well-being.  Nutrition sheds light on the possible source of any imbalance, ailment or physical issue you might be experiencing.

We are at CHOICE.  We CHOOSE what we put in our bodies.  We Choose what we teach our children.  We Choose what we Model for our children.  I believe that if we can unconsciously create that kind of hell, we can CONSCIOUSLY create Heaven.  We are very Powerful Spiritual Beings.  To do the Spiritual work we came to do, we MUST be IN the physical body.  Eating nutrient dense foods will allow the body to settle down so the Soul can enter and integrate more fully (more on this later)