Sep 24, 2015

Be Strong By Bending

Many of you know Dr. Wayne Dyer transitioned from the physical realm to the spiritual realm this past month. We personally were greatly impacted by his wisdom. His knowledge will go on teaching humanity millenniums to come. 

A Tribute To Wayne Dyer. Watch now for free. 

Sep 3, 2015

Backpack Snacks: Budget Friendly Foods on the Go [INFOGRAPHIC]

This month's guest post is frrom FoodInsight.Org

We know the kiddo's are heading back to school. It's always a great idea to keep a list of snack and lunch ideas handy. We do encourage you to use handy reusable containers for your lunches to reduce waste. One of our favorites is Bentgo boxes.

The summer is winding down. Backpacks are filled, brand new notebooks, pens and pencils. But how good are backpacks at transporting your child's snacks to school? To keep that thirst for knowledge going all day, students need to keep themselves full and focused. Turns out, there are plenty of nutritious options to stuff in their knapsack. 

  • Trail mix is bite-sized and packed with protein & healthful fats   tweet
  • Add a handful of chocolate chips to your trail mix for a sweet boost of antioxidants   tweet
  • Cereal cups are easy to grab and go with ready made portions   (You can also use reusable containers to fill with nutritious cereal and granola.)
  • The fiber, protein, and whole grains in cereal cups keep kids feeling full   tweet
  • Cereal cups can be eaten with or without milk 
  • Top celery or carrots with nut butter, sprinkle with dried fruit like raisins to make Ants on a Log   tweet
  • Ants on a Log are fun for kids to make on their own!  tweet
  • Portable snack packs offer lots of different options in your grocery aisle 
  • Make your own portable snack packs by stacking turkey, ham, or pepperoni with cheese on whole wheat crackers   tweet
  • Yogurt cups, tubes, and smoothies are excellent source of protein & calcium   tweet
  • Yogurt cups, tubes, and smoothies are perfect for an energy boost before afternoon activity   tweet
  • Yogurt cups, tubes, and smoothies last up to 4 hours without refrigeration   tweet
5 Budget friendly foods that will survive a backpack and provide on-the-go nutrition (tweet) ensuring kids get the fuel they need without the muss or fuss
Trail Mix
Ants on a Log
Portable Snack Packs
Yogurt Cups, Tubes, & Smoothies
FoodInsight ( serves as a nutrition and food safety resource for consumers, health professionals, journalists, educators, government officials, and students. Food Insight provides important and timely resources on a variety of topics such as weight management, diet and nutrition, food safety, and food production.

Aug 26, 2015

Quantum Kids

We came across the topic of special gifted children over 25 years ago. We are fully excited to see it finally starting to become mainstream. This video captures the abilities of children who can tap into the quantum field and relay messages of the books contents. They are literally reading the books through vibration and touch.


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Thanks for stopping by our blog. We'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment or join us on Facebook. 

Thank you for acknowledging how important your role of a parent truly is.~ Carol Lawrence and Stacy Toten 

 ~ Supporting The Inner Light Of The Children ~ 

Aug 20, 2015

How To Make Herb Butter With Your Children

Many moons ago together we took a horticulture class in college. One of our assignments was to make organic herb butter. We fell in love with herbs and their many medicinal properties and uses.

Here's one of our favorite recipes we like to make all the time. It's perfect for snacks on breads and crackers, add it to your steamed veggies or baked potatoes. It's up to your palate how you use it. This is an easy and quick recipe to make with your children. They could actually do it themselves with your guidance.

Here is the ingredients and supplies  you will need.

* Softened Butter
* Your favorite dried herb
* Bowl for mixing
* Spoon for stirring

Set your butter out on the counter until it's soft and pliable.
Add butter and herb to your bowl.

Aug 18, 2015

Easing back-to-school jitters By Mary Jo Rapini

School bells are ringing and kids are everywhere. As you drive slowly through school zones, you can see and feel the excitement in the air. Kids are walking to school, getting out of buses, and being dropped off on the curb. Some of them look excited and are laughing, while others look confused, withdrawn and afraid. Parents have a powerful influence over their child no matter how old their child is in regards to their school-year success. Easing back-to-school jitters is an important step that parents should prepare for and encourage their child to prepare for as well.

"School jitters don't begin the first day of school. Most likely, they were going on during the last third of the summer." 

Jul 23, 2015

Homeopathic Remedies For Bug Bites and Stings

One thing we like to keep in our first aid kits are various homeopathic remedies so we are never caught off guard while camping, traveling or enjoying the outdoors.

"Homeopathic is a system of medicine who's principles are even older than Hippocrates. It seeks to cure in ordinance with natural laws of healing and uses medicines made from natural substances: animal, vegetable, and mineral." ~ Homeopathic Medicine At Home (We really recommend having this book on hand along with your remedies)

If Homeopathy is new to you we encourage you to learn more about it. Our two families have used it for years and years. We love the results, it works well for us and there's no side effects. Disclaimer we are not doctors, we advise you to follow your intuition and if you feel you need to check with your doctor then please do so. Follow the directions on the bottle.

Bug Bites - Carol's son Josh is a delicacy to mosquitoes. They love feasting on him. We have found through the years if he keeps Thuja on hand when he is out hiking or fire fighting if he needs to he can takes a few to alleviate the itch and discomfort from his bug bites and help keep the mosquitoes at bay.

Bee, Hornet and Wasp Stings - Apis, Calendula, Hypericum, Ledum & Cantharis.
Note: On bee, hornets and wasp stings: If victim is allergic to insect stings rush to nearest hospital emergency room. Meanwhile, give Apis in the highest potency you have (Homeopathic Medicine At Home)

Spider bits - Carbolicum acidum, Crotalus horridus, Echinacea, Lachesis and Oxalicum Acidum.
Note: On poisonous spiders apply an ice pack to the bite to slow the spread of poison and rush victim to nearest hospital emergency room. Meanwhile, give one of the remedies mentioned here. Once again this warning is from Homeopathic Medicine At Home.

If you use homeopathy in your home what are your favorite remedies?

Together intuitively Carol and Stacy are fulfilling a calling and a passion to write children's picture books. They are assistant editors for the family and parenting community at All Things Healing. They provide nurturing tips and encouragement for parents walking an intentional spiritual conscious parenting path by supplying an inviting platform for their established parenting community. Visit Intentional Conscious Parenting for author interviews, book reviews, and conscious parenting articles. Sign up for their newsletter and receive 10 Tips For Parenting Consciously. (We promise to never share your email address.) 
Join like minded parents at Intentional Parenting on Facebook.

Jun 15, 2015

Parenting Is A Sacred Calling

Any regular reader of our Intentional Conscious Parenting blog knows we are big fans of Dr. Shefali's work on conscious parenting. We were one of the first to review her book The Conscious Parent, feature her in a live chat with you all and follow up with updates on her conscious parenting teachings.

We wanted to share with you her latest video on OWN. Parenting is a sacred calling. Listen in to learn more....

Dr. Shefali "Tsabary says that after her first appearance on Oprah's Lifeclass, questions from parents kept pouring in. Now, Dr. Shefali, author of The Conscious Parent, speaks directly to parents in the Lifeclass Social Lab. "The intention here is to understand why it is that we react to our children the way we do," she says. "Because we all are longing for that connection with our children."

Watch as Dr. Shefali reveals the two things every parent wants. Plus, Oprah shares her thoughts on parenthood.

Sign up for our newsletter to receive 10 Tips For Parenting Consciously and be sure to join us on Facebook for more parenting discussions. 

Thanks for stopping by our blog. We'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment or join us on Facebook. 

Thank you for acknowledging how important your role of a parent truly is.
~ Carol Lawrence and Stacy Toten 

 ~ Supporting The Inner Light Of The Children ~ 

Jun 4, 2015

“No, I won’t! Homeopathy and Temper Tantrums

Guest Article by  Joette Calabrese, HMC,CCH,RSHom 

Are temper tantrums a fact of life in your household?
The cantankerous two year-old. 
The confrontational teenager.  
But what if tantrums were actually beneficial?
Sounds peculiar that such behavior could be considered valuable, doesn’t it? 

Well, temper tantrums are indicators that something is out of balance, not only behaviorally, but probably physiologically.  And since symptoms are the key to choosing the proper homeopathic remedy, then this aberrant behavior can actually become useful in addressing the underlying cause.

May 11, 2015

Do your children talk about seeing angels or spirits?

Children are sometimes very intune and open to other realms. They often see their guardian angels or other spirits nearby. It is important to listen to them when they express an interest to talk about these topics with an adult. Children that are scolded or dismissed with what they are trying to express about what they see or feel may shut down if they feel no one is listening. By creating an open dialogue and listening you are setting the foundation of trust and allowing your child to be able to talk with you about other important topics as they grow older.

If your child has an imaginary friend or speaks about an angel, ask them what their friend looks like, sounds like or feels like? What does their angel say to them? Are they comforted or afraid of their friend?

"Children are great at opening our minds to possibilities we never knew existed."

How do you feel about them talking with their guardian angels? Are you open minded, close minded, or conditioned by your beliefs? There are documented cases all over the world of human beings being able to communicate with their guardian angels. There are many documented cases where an angel intervened in a sticky situation. We personally believe we all have guardian angels, guides and connections from beyond the 3rd dimension. We just need to ask for their assistance.

Some of the most common known angels and ascended masters to work with children are:
*Archangel Gabriel *Mother Mary *Diana *Archangel Michael *Archangel Metatron
*Damara *Jesus
*Kuan Yin and *Saint Francis

Doreen Virtue has an amazing informative book that lists in details Archangels and Ascended Masters and exactly what they can assist you with.  Remember they are here to assist us on our earthly journeys. We just need to ask for their help.

Children are great at opening our minds to possibilities we never knew existed. We encourage you to keep an open mind during your parenting process. You never know what vital life lesson your child will bestow upon you.

Together intuitively Carol and Stacy are fulfilling a calling and a passion to write children's picture books. They are assistant editors for the family and parenting community at All Things Healing. They provide nurturing tips and encouragement for parents walking an intentional spiritual conscious parenting path by supplying an inviting platform for their established parenting community. Visit Intentional Conscious Parenting for author interviews, book reviews, and conscious parenting articles. Sign up for their newsletter and receive 10 Tips For Parenting Consciously. (We promise to never share your email address.) 
Join like minded parents at Intentional Parenting on Facebook.

May 4, 2015

Temper Tantrums ~ An Opportunity To Teach Your Child How To Process Emotions

Temper Tantrums ~ An Opportunity to Teach Your Child How to Process Emotions

By Yvonne Perry

Empathy and intuition gives us the ability to better understand how we are connected to other living things. It is a form of communication with others, nature, animals, and even higher or spiritual forms of life. We are all born with empathic ability but most of us shut the sensing ability down at some point either because the energy overload causes discomfort or we are taught not to trust our inner guidance. By shutting down our intuition and empathic ability, we live in our heads and are pretty much out of touch with our body and our own emotions.