Aug 17, 2017

Building Self-Esteem And Confidence

We are honored to have one of our recent articles published on Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life.

Conscious Parenting Building Self-Esteem And Confidence

Key conscious parenting goals; qualities you want your children to have. High self-esteem, strong foundation, creative spirit, integrity, compassion, connection, respect for self, others and the environment. Instill a love for life. It is important to support your children’s endeavors no matter how creative they get. Remember they are children and their ideas will change many times. By encouraging them you are building their self-esteem and confidence. In turn feeding their mind, body, and soul. Be open to saying “yes” or at least hearing out their ideas. Encourage them to draw, speak their mind, ask questions, play musical instruments, try sports, sit quietly and read a book or play in the dirt. Every child is so unique and their sensitivity levels are vastly different. That’s why it is so vitally important to parent each child on their own individual level. It would not be wise to raise all your children the same way. They all have different needs and wants, it is up to you to be the conscious parent, allowing an organic conclusion to form and take place without you the parent having to be in constant control. It’s about allowing spiritual growth on this earthly playground.

Teaching Children How To Love Themselves. Help your children work through their feelings and teach them the importance of positive self-talk. Show them how to appreciate the little and the big things in life. Self-esteem is being developed throughout their life. By teaching them how to love and take care of themselves when they are little you are helping them to build a positive self-image, instill confidence and build your child’s inner strength.

Click Here To Read Entire Article. Please comment and share on the original article if our conscious parenting messages resonate with you. We'd love to write more for their parenting audience and need your support to show conscious parenting is an important topic. 

Together we can all support the inner light of the children and the parents choosing to walk a conscious parenting path.

Namaste, Carol and Stacy 

Aug 14, 2017

How To Nurture Emotional Intelligence in Your Child

Guest Post By Scott Reddler

By their very nature children can be unpredictable and even impulsive when it comes to the ways in which they respond to everyday situations. The good news is that parents can take measures to help their children succeed when it comes to how children express their feelings. This is especially true when it comes to nurturing childhood emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand one’s feelings and emotions while also recognizing the various emotions and feelings that are being experienced by others. There are various ways in which parents can help their children develop these skills. Consider the following when it comes to nurturing emotional intelligence in your little one.

Why Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence, a term coined by Daniel Goleman in 1995, refers to the ability to recognize and regulate one’s own emotions, as well as identify the emotions being presented by others. Emotional intelligence has been proven to help children obtain a lifetime of success as they go about interacting with others and forming relationships. As children develop emotional intelligence skills, increasingly they will come to recognize how they personally feel and what emotions they are emitting at any given time. As a result, their social and emotional learning skills, or how they positively manage their emotions during social interactions, will improve as they are better able to interpret other people’s emotions in addition to their own.

Aug 11, 2017

Children's Book Review l The Laughing Witch

The Laughing Witch by Andrew Newman
Illustrations by Liesl Bell

"To All Who Laugh" it says in the book, which means this book must be for everyone!
Because who doesn't love to laugh?

The visuals in this book radiate fun and happiness. Children will not only embrace what they are hearing but what they are seeing as well.

"She called to the ones 
who lived here before:
I welcome your wisdom;
Your love I adore."

You believe everything on each page! Valuable simplistic kindness and priceless verbage!
To receive and to give back is such an important tool to use through all human's lifetime.

Aug 9, 2017

Children's Book Review l The Boy Who Searched For Silence

The Boy Who Searched For Silence By Andrew Newman
Illustrated By Alexis Aronson

For those of us who start out thinking one thing and Voila! Bam! We find out another reality. We had the answers all along! We just need to be quiet and allow, to get out of our own way. The Boy Who Searched For Silence has a very compelling message and a wide range of emotions. From one extreme to the other.

Children will benefit from reading this book .
In search of bliss, silence, peacefulness and inner peace? Here are your answers parents.

Aug 5, 2017

Parenting in the new paradigm requires parents who are ready to parent from an awakened state

conscious parenting on Steven Aitchison

We are honored to have one of our recent articles published on Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life.

3 Conscious Parenting Tips For Parenting In The New Paradigm.

Parenting in the new paradigm requires parents who are ready to parent from an awakened state. Which would invite them to take a hands on, ears open, constantly tuned in approach. Allowing expression of the soul! The children being born in today’s world have an internal mission to help shift the collective consciousness of this planet, which is requiring a new way of parenting. Some of the children coming in are very purpose driven.

Click Here To Read Entire Article. Please comment and share on the original article if our conscious parenting messages resonate with you. We'd love to write more for their parenting audience and need your support to show conscious parenting is an important topic. Together we can all support the inner light of the children and the parents choosing to walk a conscious parenting path.

Namaste, Carol and Stacy 

Jul 27, 2017




Pregnant Women, New Mums, Experienced Mums – all kinds-of Mums like YOU are here to make a difference in the world by creating the next generation from this deep connection with ourselves.
When serving from this place, we follow the path which we are here to journey and we show our children the way so they can live out their life purpose with a deep sense of trust in themselves.
We can no longer follow the herd and ignore our inner knowing.
We are here to create and fully live our lives in peace and harmony.
It’s time for you to speak out, share your vision and follow your dreams so that others can be inspired by your way, especially your children.
Together, with our unique qualities, we can make a difference in this world.

Jul 25, 2017

Campfire Pizza Will Make You Cry Tears of Joy

Whether you like to hunker down in a tent off in some secluded corner of the forest, or you are one of the 30 million RV enthusiasts in the United States, camping is a good way to get away from the stresses of life and enjoy some time with the family.

One of the best ways to enjoy yourself while camping is having a good old fashioned cookout. But how do you prepare food that is both safe to eat and delicious while visiting a campground?

For parents who are looking to have a nice fireside meal with their families that goes beyond the drudgery of a can of refried beans and hot dogs, we've got a real treat for you: Campfire pizza.

It's no secret that pizza is a favorite for many. In fact, a Harris poll shows that pizza is the number one comfort food among Americans. But pizza while camping? That requires the blind devotion of a pizza zealot. If that describes you, then read on!

What You Need for Campfire Pizza

You will need a campfire that is widely dispersed and hot, but not too hot. Blue flames are a sign of incredibly high heat, so if you see them, wait for the fire to cool.

You will also need a grill to place over the fire. Ours fit on top of our (small) fire pit, but if the fire is hot enough, you can set it over to the side.

Jul 24, 2017

6 Ways To Talk To Your Child About Smartphone Monitoring

Guest Post By Scott Reddler

It’s no secret that we are raising children in an increasingly digital environment. They have access to television, gaming consoles, computers, tablets, and smartphones. In fact, most of our sweet boys and girls have no recollection of a time before the Internet or days when everyone had landlines in our homes. And, don’t even get us started on the difficulty of trying to explain dial-up connections or modems to today’s kids.

This modern invasion of technology has offered our families many benefits and perks. We can share information, ideas, and communicate with each other at the swipe of a screen. Within seconds, we can connect to a world of ideas and resources. Smartphones and other devices are allowing people to express themselves in surprising ways. Unfortunately, hidden among all the positives, we are finding out that all of our gadgets and devices are exposing our sons and daughters to some scary and dangerous situations.

Over the past few years we have read or heard the terrifying tales of cyberbullying, sexting scandals, online predators, and identity theft gone wrong. Even with all the negative possibilities, we know our boys and girls will need to understand how to safely use and navigate digital technology, like smartphones. This dark side of today’s tech can find many of us questioning the role we should allow it to play in our children’s lives, because we know that these gadgets and devices aren’t going to disappear, if anything they will become more prevalent in our society, schools, and jobs.