Jan 21, 2020

Let's Talk About Nutrition

Since we were little children we've all heard that the importance of eating a healthy diet and proper nutrition. 

We can speak from experience, what you eat and put into your body matters.

We  recommend taking the time to learn about eating healthy, how certain foods affect you physically and emotionally.

Nov 25, 2019

PARENTS: Make Sure Your Kids Are Ready to Fight the Flu!

According to a National Health Interview Survey, influenza alone is responsible for 200 million days of diminished productivity and 75 million days of work absence. Everyone can suffer from a virus -- especially kids.

There are more than 3 million flu cases per year in the United States. This infection attacks the lungs, nose, and throat and can be particularly damaging to children since their immune systems are not as strong as healthy adults.

Nov 7, 2019

5 Benefits Of Booking A Fall Family Camping Trip

When you think of camping as a family, chances are you immediately think of the summertime. But camping during the summer can be just as uncomfortable as it is fun. The sun is hot, the air is sticky, and mosquitoes won't leave you alone.

With fall gradually coming to an end and winter right around the corner, now is one of the best times to book your last family camping trip. If you're unsure whether camping during this season is a good idea for your kids, here are five benefits of camping during the fall:

Nov 1, 2019

3 Ways To Manage Your Family's Stress During The Holidays

The holiday season is around the corner, and for many of us, the holidays can bring an increased sense of family responsibility and stress. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when advertisements sing about the joys of the season while we're struggling to budget for gifts, food, and travel.
To help you avoid turning to unhealthy stress management behaviors like overindulging in sugar cookies, here are a few ways you can manage holiday stress as a family this year.

Don't try to please everyone

According to Dr. Susan Newman, a social psychology professor at Rutgers University, one of the biggest causes of stress during the holiday season is having unrealistic expectations.
Some parents want to be sure their children get everything they want so there will be no tears," said Newman. "This is an unrealistic goal. Parents, especially with younger kids get lost in the hype."
Manage your expectations and don't try to please everyone. You can't keep everyone happy all the time. Remember that your kids will enjoy and remember the little things like playing hide and seek with their cousins or board games with you.

Sep 29, 2019

Toddler Life

Little ones have so much going on in their little bodies and minds. They are still mastering their body, discovering new emotions, feelings and trying to express themselves. Sometimes this comes out in repetitive words like No or Why? No can sometimes even mean Yes. Sometimes when frustrated or overwhelmed they express themselves through a good cry or tantrum. Have patience with with your little one as he/she explores new feelings, boundaries and emotions. Do your best to not personalize your toddlers behavior. Stay present with your own emotions as you guide your little one through experiencing and learning about theirs. 😉🌀🌞 ~ Carol and Stacy 🦋

Sep 23, 2019

3 Ways To Make Your Home A Better Place To Grow Up

Guest Post by Devin Conde

Trendy decor ideas and home designs may look nice, but for many parents, these Pinterest goals may not be very functional or even comfortable for their kids. When it comes to creating a holistic home design your entire family can love, you want to make things as cozy and fun to live in as possible.
That said, here are a few ways you can make your home not only a more relaxing place to be but also a great place for your kids to grow up.

Let the light in

It's no secret that big windows with lots of sunlight are things that renters and homeowners crave. In fact, about 45% of homes sold in Maui in 2016 were bought by out-of-state home buyers.
Moving to Hawaii may be out of your price range, but the good news is that you can still let the sun shine in your home. Consider using sheer curtains or roller shades to give your family privacy without shutting out the natural sunlight.
Hanging string lights or globe lights can also make your home feel extra cozy and magical once the sun goes down.

Sep 13, 2019

My Five Newest Items For Health And Wellness

1. Bone Broth - I recently became a huge fan of bone broth while doing research on what could help my husband with managing his M.S. and increasing his over all nutrition. We've tried several and even made some ourselves. I personally haven't been the biggest fan of bone broth until I discovered these two brands. LanoLife grass fed broth and Beyond Broth! I love that they both come in handy pouches that can easily be added to hot water. Perfect for on the go or to take on a trip. Beyond Broth is an Organic Vegan broth and super delicious!

2. Cold Pressed Vitamin D Capsules - Living in the Northwest we don't get nearly the amount of sun required to maintain healthy Vitamin D levels so we must eat a balanced diet and supplement. Not all supplements are created equal. I particularly like that these vitamin E capsules are made with coconut oil, are non GMO and gluten free.

Creative Expression While Being A Parent

In our parenting book 10 Ways To Parent Consciously we touch on many aspects of parenting including creative expression.

Don't lose yourself during the parenting process.

It's important to still feed your soul along with feeding your child's soul.

Continue to express yourself through crafts, sports, reading, music or exercise.

Whatever your hobbies are, don't put them on hold for eighteen years.

Incorporate them into your parenting life. Take time to hang out with your friends.

Sep 11, 2019

The girl with waterfall eyes children's book review

A Fantasy Children's Book About Pure Love!

Sometimes we hit bumps in the road but the earth keeps spinning, the universe keeps changing, tomorrow comes and we find our balance again.

There is a beautiful, healthy, emotional activity at the end of the book called Kaleidoscope Eyes that Andrew Newman does so eloquently, as he has with his entire conscious stories series.
We highly recommend this activity with your child to show them how to discover how to grow connection within themselves and others.

Sep 9, 2019

More Than Just Sniffles: Is Your Home Making Your Kids Sick?

The kids are back to school, the leaves are changing color, and the temperatures are slowly dropping. That can only mean one thing: it's officially flu season. But it may not be the flu virus that's making your kids sniffle and sneeze around the house.

In fact, there are many triggers around the average home that can bring on allergies and asthma attacks. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to eliminate your child's wheezes and sneezes and ensure a healthy, comfortable environment inside your home this fall.

Sep 7, 2019

We Are Circle People Children's Book Review

We are circle people really shows a child the importance of being aware of tuning into the people and environment surrounding them. The ability to make the choice to stay true to their awakened self no matter what circle they walk in to. 😀

A marvelous demonstration on how sometimes in life we get to feeling disconnected and in comes an unexpected surprise that can make us feel reconnected again.

Sep 6, 2019

Teen Sails 15 Days In Emission Free Yacht To Speak At UN Climate Conference

Would you let your 16-year-old stay out past midnight by themselves? If not, then the tale of Greta Thunberg may give you extreme parenting anxiety. Of course, instead of staying out late with friends, Greta is trying to spark global action on climate change.

Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish girl, has become both a loved and despised face at the forefront of climate change activism. Last year, she began skipping school at age 15 to protest political inaction in the face of the global climate crisis. Her protest began gaining attention across Sweden and burgeoned into a worldwide movement dubbed Fridays for Future.

Across the United States, some 60% of people have some form of life insurance. Her point is that the earth doesn't have such a luxury, there is no backup, nor global insurance policy if the planet is effectively destroyed by unbridled resource consumption. Additionally, future generations face that same fate if global complacency and denial continue.