Showing posts with label authors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label authors. Show all posts

Nov 11, 2011

11-11-11 Today's A Special Day ~ Multi-Dimensional You!

Hello everyone,

We are writing to you as two friends committed to self-improvement and the betterment of the planet and as a loyal follower of our blog. We wanted to let you know about a fascinating new book, going up for sale on Amazon, TODAY - 11.11.11,

Exploring Energetic Evolution
Launch date – 11/11/11
By Elaine Seiler

MULTI-DIMENSIONAL YOU, Exploring Energetic Evolution,
is not your typical self-help personal development book, nor is it a treatise on metaphysics; it is one woman’s personal story of her experience over the past 20 years that culminated in her extraordinary understanding. We are in the midst of an amazing evolution as powerful as when humankind rose out of the ocean and walked on land. Elaine wrote this book to share her story and to guide and support you as you go through a parallel journey.  .

Humanity is going through enormous changes as the vibrations on the planet increase in speed. We are each doing our very best to adapt to the new vibrations and to navigate the changes they have catalyzed.  Despite our best efforts confusion, overwhelm, anxiety, hopelessness and anger abound world-wide.  A roadmap of the changes is needed. We have talked about this in other blog posts and shared our thoughts on 2012.

Click here to see the books website

MULTI-DIMENSIONAL YOU, Exploring Energetic Evolution, is that map.  It will help shift your focus from the traditional third dimensional perspective to an expanded multi-dimensional one. It will be your guide through the challenges of this transformation to its extraordinary gifts.  Elaine wrote this book in the hope that it will make your journey easier and smoother.

You will learn:

 How humankind is changing energetically.
 What the changes look like.
 What physical tools work in non-physical world.
 time is shifting and affecting all our lives.
 How to recognize and interpret the signs and symbols of the invisible world.
 How to manifest your goals in this more energetic reality.
 How to thrive in this evolving world.

Click here to obtain your copy of
Multi-Dimensional YOU and receive free bonuses. Be sure to check out our bonus and let us know what you think!

Excerpts from the book:
“Most of us are dimensionally challenged. We are unable to access the dimensions beyond the third.  Consensus reality’s very limited viewpoint and our severely restricted senses have caused our  intuitive abilities to atrophy, like a unused muscle.  However, we can take off our blinders, put on new eyeglasses, and start to notice the difference in the worlds—the world of physicality - concept, form, time, and polarity and the world of energetics - fluidity, expansion, balance, unity, and is-ness. In that realm, there is no good or bad. No polarity.  What is, just is, and is accepted unequivocally, without strife, judgment or resistance. Acceptance and harmony reign there. Humans are moving into the realm of multi-dimensionality, slowly and haltingly, but surely. Learning to distinguish between three-dimensional and other-dimensional constructs is a precursor and training for the stage that is to come next in our lives.”

“The body, in and through which we breathe, move, communicate and reproduce is an amazing instrument in many varied physical ways. And it’s an equally wondrous vehicle of transformation and change. Subtly, without using the senses of touch, smell, taste or hearing, it can and does balance and harmonize spaces and people. It achieves that harmony by acting as an instrument of change, clearing, cleaning and transforming the energies in and around it.”

“Each new experience was a signal to me that I had shifted from one-dimensional reality to another.
I was an observer and a participant at the same time. I was learning at a deeper level than ever before how energy functions. Not in a flow—faster or slower as a physical river or comfortably to suit my human desires—but as it is, in its own rhythm, clearing and cleaning as it moves, reflecting a wide range of circumstances and trying to balance them as it moved.”

“When this new stage of evolution occurs and the major changes are complete life may look physically very much the same as it does today.  It will, however, feel very different. Humankind will have a far greater ability to collaborate person to person and connect between energetic fields on and off the planet.”

“Perhaps you have prayed, visualized and made positive affirmation statements.  You have read the book or watched the movie, The Secret, and have perhaps practiced its principles. Maybe you have explored your deep-seated unconscious beliefs that might have blocked your goals. Perhaps you have tried everything you know and still your goals have been thwarted. But were you aware of the rules of manifestation in the multi-dimensional world?”

“The multi-dimensional realms contain all the values for which we yearn—harmony, balance, cooperation, trust, concern for others, safety, and wellbeing. In the other dimensions love, not hate, peace, not war, and abundance, not scarcity, are the way. Time and space don’t impede manifestation and so-called synchronicities and miracles are commonplace. We get glimpses of those states in meditation, moments of ecstatic bliss, in a few days of a special group experience and in the blended state. It’s that realm in which we can live if we shift our perception, see and learn from the clues in those dimensions and focus on bringing those values into our reality. Evolution is taking us there. Will you be one of those that help the planet in moving there faster and more gently?
You are not alone on this journey of evolution. Every being, every plant, insect, and animal, as well as the planet herself, are all evolving. Together, we are creating the future.”

“Awakening to the unseen world has changed and enriched my life.
Where confusion, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness abound around me, my dimensional opening has given me an increased feeling of wellbeing, a stronger sense of security and a new level of trust and confidence. Although all may not look right in the world, at a deep level I trust it is right. I hope that the information I share in this book will facilitate a parallel shift for you.”


This is a book you will want to read.  Buy your copy on Amazon TODAY, 11/11/11.  Don’t wait!   During LAUNCH WEEK, every buyer will be given the opportunity to choose from a large variety of bonuses.  Click here to go to the BONUS PAGE to see the large variety of choices. Like a many faceted crystal, each bonus offers a unique glimpse into the world of energy and energetics. Elaine wants you to enjoy the book AND learn all about the energies that swirl in and around you every minute of every day.

Click here to get your copy of

Together, let’s make a difference…

 As, Elaine likes to say, “Have an energetically conscious day,”

Namaste, Carol Lawrence & Stacy Toten

More information about the Author: Energetics expert Elaine Seiler is at the forefront of explaining humanity's "energetic evolution" and how we can cope and thrive in the face of rapid change. Elaine is a life and career coach, researcher, mother and grandmother. In 1992, after 20 years of work as a career consultant and life coach, she discovered energetics, the study and use of multi-dimensional energies and their interplay with life on earth. Her new book, Multi-Dimensional You: Exploring Energetic Evolution and Your Multi-Dimensional Workbook: Exercises for Energetic Awakening, will be released 11/11/11. Learn more at and
Contact Elaine at

Nov 2, 2011

Struggling With Motherhood By Loren Buckner

Struggling with Motherhood By Loren Buckner

I totally enjoyed nursing our daughter. The difficulty was in getting her to take a bottle. I tried various shaped nipples, pumped breast milk, and tried several brands of formula. She was more likely to take a bottle from her dad than from me but not always. So I worried whenever I left her.

One afternoon I had a doctor’s appointment and planned to be back before she woke from her nap. Just in case I was late, my husband was ready with a bottle. I didn’t feel great about going out, but I had to go.

When I returned home, my husband was holding her over his shoulder with an empty bottle in his hand. He turned so she could see that I was home. She took one look at me, threw up, and cried furiously until I sat down to nurse her.
I was completely amazed and overwhelmed (in a good way) by how important I was to her. I couldn’t get her to my breast fast enough. Physically, I needed her.  I wanted to feed her as much as she wanted to be fed. It was an emotionally intense experience and one I’ll always remember.

I treasured the experience of nursing. Quietly feeding my baby as she melted into my body was joy incarnate. Nourishing her in this intimate way created a fulfilling bond. At the same time, our daughter needed me on demand every two hours, twelve times a day, seven days a week. Neither my body nor my time was my own any longer.

In addition to the demands of an infant, I also had a two-year-old son who needed me too. He still wanted me to revolve around him and wasn’t too keen on sharing his mother’s time and attention with his little baby sister, no matter how cute she was.

Mothers, a bit more than fathers, often feel that they practically belong to their children. Between feeding, changing, and playing with them, I barely had time to shower. I don’t know how long it was before I went into the bathroom alone or ate a hot meal. Almost every minute revolved around my kids.

Although meaningful and satisfying, in the darker moments, disturbing resentments and fears about losing myself began filtering into my awareness. There were times when I had to restrain myself from screaming, “Stop crying!” or “Leave me alone!” Or I wondered, “What have I gotten myself into?”

These darker moments are scary. And although we need our partners to be attentive and actively involved, their love alone isn’t enough to keep these disturbing feelings from coming up. (Uninvolved or absent fathers do make the situation a lot worse, though.) This maternal experience requires an internal struggle where mothers must re-find and re-define themselves, which is not an easy thing to do.

Being a mother is an awesome responsibility. Most of the time, fulfilling this role is wonderful and rewarding. But sometimes, it’s almost too much. As our old self disappears, we can feel taken over and smothered.

Immersion in babyland and finding the way out isn’t a smooth path nor is it a direct one. There are days when we feel like the luckiest people in the world. But there are also days when we wonder if we'll survive. 

Guest Author Loren Buckner, LCSW, Psychotherapist in private practice in TampaFlorida. She is also the author of ParentWise: The Emotional Challenges of Family Life and How to Deal With Them.

Join Carol and Stacy for a live chat with Loren Buckner January 10th.

Oct 15, 2011

Hello Parents~Here's An Update On Yvonne Perry!

Yvonne Perry continues to enjoy sharing spiritual insight through We Are One in Spirit Podcast (, her five spirituality blogs (, personal coaching for empaths (, and the courses/telesummits she is teaching at
She is co-hosting whole heart activation 11:11 Telesummit with Dr. Tom Goode in November.

Recently, Yvonne created some downloadable programs that includes an audio that she recorded with Dr. Caron Goode and ghost clearing expert Faith Ranoli on understanding entities and clearing the negative energy of earthbound spirits from your personal space (  She has added two affirmation MP3s and an audio book to her products offered These are also available on her Website:

Yvonne is currently writing a new book tentatively titled Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ How to Embrace and Integrate Multidimensional Frequencies(

Yvonne Perry, a.k.a. LavendarRose
Metaphysical author, teacher, and show host

Live All Star Chat With Past Author Guests Of The Intentional Conscious Parenting Show right here on October 18th 9 PM Eastern! 

Oct 11, 2011

Intentional Conscious Parenting is a way of being with our children.

Intentional conscious parenting is a way of being with our children.  It is a choice.  I choose this path of parenting because it supports my instinctive desire to live through my awareness.  It asks me to BE a watcher of my children AND of myself in relationship to them.  It asks me to listen.  It asks me to wait.  Watch my reactions.  And choose to interact with my kids with compassion for who they are and have always been.  It asks me to listen and watch some more.  It helps me see who I am.  It allows me to accept myself and my children, at each moment, with trust that what is before me is as it ought to be…so we both can learn how to be even more compassionate companions.  It encourages me to expand beyond and transform my personal beliefs.  Quite simply, it asks me to respond to my instinctive awareness and my ability to love unconditionally. ~ Alexandra Folz

Follow Alexandra on The Blogfrog
Join Carol, Stacy, Alexandra and several other authors for our All-Star Live Chat 
Tuesday October 18th. 
Right here at 9 PM Eastern, 
8 Central, 7 Mountain, Pacific. 

Sign up for our Intentional Conscious Parenting 
Newsletter to keep in 

Oct 10, 2011

Inquiring minds want to know what Annie Burnside has been up to.

We asked Annie for an update on what she's been up to and this was her reply.

"Beyond working on my second book, I have become a contributor to a brand new company that launched October 6th called "30SecondMom." It offers 30 second written and video tips from a group of international mom contributors for moms on their mobile phones. U.S. Cellular is our first large sponsor. It's very exciting, and I am honored to be a part of it to share conscious parenting in such a progressive format." Annie Burnside

Congratulations Annie!

~Subscribe to the Intentional Conscious Parenting newsletter to keep up to date with recent blog posts, upcoming live author chats, the latest in conscious parenting, events and updates on all our guest authors.

Connect with like minded parents on Facebook
Twitter @intuneparenting

Oct 8, 2011

New book ~ Hikes With Tykes By Rob Bignell

New book provides guide to day hiking with kids

Day hiking with kids isn’t quite as simple as taking them onto a trail and walking.

Many parents have no idea where there even is a trail. They wonder how to keep their kids properly dressed for the wilds and how they’ll ever carry their infant all those miles. They struggle to figure out how much water and food to bring. They ponder what to do when their children get bored on the trail or start to misbehave. They know there must be a better way to cross rough terrain than the balancing act they’re attempting. They want to understand how to treat injuries from blisters to broken bones, of what to do if they’re lost or even forced to stay the night in the woods.

A new guidebook – Rob Bignell’s “Hikes with Tykes: A Practical Guide to Day Hiking with Kids” – offers the answers to these and many other questions.

In this comprehensive survey of an increasingly popular family activity, Bignell offers readers a no-nonsense, informative guide to taking children on day hikes. An Outdoor Industry Association report from 2010 says that 40 million Americans hike. Many of those hikers bring their children with them.

During these difficult economic times, a number of Americans have turned back to this low-cost, fun activity – and are sticking with it.

“Hiking is beneficial in so many ways, from providing exercise to enjoying the natural beauty of the outdoors,” Bignell said. “It’s not surprising that there are so many hikers, or that children love to go on walks.”

Most people can find the gear they need for a day hike simply by gathering together a few odds and ends from around their home. And with more than 200,000 miles of trails in the United States – at county, state and national parks as well as other nature areas – no one need travel far to enjoy the great outdoors.

Loaded with personal anecdotes and tips, “Hikes with Tykes” provides a step-by-step guide to everything an adult needs to know about hiking with children, including how to:
 Find kid-appropriate trails
 Keep kids properly dressed for the wilds
 Figure out how much water and food to bring
 Cross rough terrain
 Prevent children from getting bored on the trail
 Treat injuries from blisters to broken bones
 Handle getting lost or being forced to stay the night in the woods

Oct 2, 2011

Grace, Alexandra and Leigh share their thoughts about our Intentional Conscious Parenting Community

"Intentional Conscious parenting brings me together with like minded people. I'm always delighted with the variety of subjects discussed and shared on the site. Each area covers the ways we can participate within our family and communities as a whole to benefit our health in mind, body and soul." ~ Grace Hodgin 

Grace is a mother, grandmother and is very artistic. Visit her blog to see all her amazing jewelry for sale. Carol's favorite is her green man necklaces.

"Intentional Conscious Parenting is a virtual community vested in nurturing and inspiring the spirits of parents and children.  It shares creative visions on conscious living and opens doors for authors like me to connect with other soulful travelers.  I have found virtual community with visionaries and teachers I never knew exsisted.  Thank you ICP...I am GRATEFUL for your support and wisdom!" ~ Alexandra Folz
Here's our full review of Indigo's Bracelet.

What ICP means to me...

Sep 28, 2011

Win A Copy Of Frequency The Power Of Personal Vibration By Penney Peirce

Hello ICP Readers! You don't want to miss this giveaway. 

We are very excited about this giveaway. We've had our eye on Frequency and we are very excited to read it. You know how much we love the subject of energy, intuition and transformation. Of course we'll share our full review after we're done. 

A pioneer in the intuition development movement, Penney Peirce is a trainer and consultant specializing in intuition and sensitivity development, as well as the popular author of The Intuitive Way and Frequency

Penney Peirce's Frequency teaches readers how to detect and manipulate their own personal energies to transform their lives, maximize clarity, minimize struggles, and discover new abilities.

New in paperback, Frequency now comes with five downloadable audio companions to further enhance your work with your personal vibration and home frequency.

Our sweepstakes gives the opportunity to win an Intuitive Consultation with Penney.  In these sessions she helps individuals move through troublesome personal and career matters, and step enthusiastically into their next level of self-expression.

Here are the sweepstake prizes available:

Sep 27, 2011

Live Chat With Cathy Cassani Adams Tonight 9/27

Tonight's the night! 
Join us as we welcome Cathy Cassani Adams to The Intentional Conscious Parenting Show.

What Intentional Conscious Parenting means to Cathy Cassani Adams.

"It means we need to become whole people so we can raise whole people.  We need to take care of ourselves, love ourselves, heal ourselves, and then live our lives based in love, not fear.  It means looking at our children as separate human beings on their own journey and knowing that our role is to support them on their path.  It means helping our children discover their own inner sense of safety about who they are and why they are here so they always know their worth regardless of circumstance." ~ Cathy 

Live online typed chat tonight Tuesday September 27th, 9PM Eastern, 8 Central, 7 Mountain and 6 Pacific. Everyone is welcome to attend our free online event.  

Cathy Cassani Adams will join us to talk about her second book, The Self Aware Parent-Two 23 More Lessons For Growing With Your Children.

Join our live chat by clicking here. Create a quick profile and join in on the chat. Chat begins at 7 PM Mountain.

Sponsors and prizes:
Grace from Blessed Elements has hand crocheted a special bookmark for a lucky winner. 
M.A.S.S. 101 Man Approaching Simple Soulutions by Ed and Stacy Toten
The Self-Aware Parent Two By Cathy Cassani Adams
A special children's book by Howard B Wigglebottom 

Sep 26, 2011

Live chat with Cathy Cassani Adams

Look Who's Back!
Cathy Cassani Adams will be here to join Carol and Stacy on The Intentional Conscious Parenting Show tomorrow Tuesday September 27th. Join us for a live interactive free online chat!

Cathy will be sharing her insights and tips on conscious parenting, telling us all about her new book The Self-Aware Parent Two 23 More Lessons For Growing With Your Children and answering all your questions.

Where? In our ICP Blogfrog Community Click Here
When? Tuesday September 27th 9 PM Eastern, 8 Central, 7 Mountain and 6 Pacific

Tip: Click the link above sign in and create a quick profile on The Blogfrog. This will make joining the live chat really easy. This also allows other people to connect with your blog or website.

Sponsors and prizes:
Grace from Blessed Elements has hand crocheted a special bookmark for a lucky winner. 
M.A.S.S. 101 Man Approaching Simple Soulutions by Ed and Stacy Toten
The Self-Aware Parent Two By Cathy Cassani Adams
A special children's book by Howard B Wigglebottom 

Connect with Cathy:
Join Cathy and her husband Todd on

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Twitter @intuneparenting
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"The Self-Aware Parent Two provides the right mix of soothing reassurance and priceless information to make it a must-buy for every parent." Dr. Shefali Tsabary, author of The Conscious Parent