Mar 30, 2017

Children Learn To Mimic The Vibration Of The Adults Who Surround Them

"You cannot speak or offer action without thought-vibration occurring at the same time; however, you are often offering words or action. Children or babies learn to mimic the vibration of the adults who surround them long before they learn to mimic their words." 
~ Abraham Hicks

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Mar 29, 2017

Giving Your Kids the Gift of “Calm”

calming techniques for parents

Giving Your Kids the Gift of “Calm”

“It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos." ~Donna Karan

In the busyness of our daily lives, calm seems to elude us. As we witness the chaos in today’s world, calm seems foreign to us. Our nervous systems are on overload. And reactivity seems to be the norm. We observe individuals crying out--- wanting to be seen, heard and acknowledged. Yet, as their voice gets louder, their true essence seems to diminish.

Mar 7, 2017

Connecting On Your Child's Level

There are very subtle, simple ways you can connect with your child on their level.

My sons are now in their twenties, I woke up this morning with vivid memories of playing video games with them.

Video games were not my most favorite thing to do, but the time we spent together is priceless.

Since the time they were allowed to play video games was regulated, it was special. Video game time was monitored. My husband and I made sure they spent time on other things such as creative play, reading, board games, homework and their nightly routine.

I always found a way to join in their fun on their level.

When they were younger. I would read them a bedtime story every night, sometimes several books at a time.

More times than not this special time right before bed turned into great discussions of wonder and sharing. As they got older they would read to me.

I was always on the look out for ways I could join them at their level.

Mar 2, 2017

Teaching Children Mindfulness

Teaching children mindfulness

I recently watched a show on Netflix called Inn Saei: The Power Of Intuition. I've added their trailer below.

A particular segment on mindfulness in the classroom really resonated with me. I sat watching this show in awe at the articulate conversations the young children were having about their brains, the different parts of their brains and what each part did. These were young children!

These children not only described the different parts of their own brains but they also could explain how the different parts affected their behaviors.

I bow to the teachers and parents who are making mindfulness training part of their curriculum. 

Watching one child in particular on this show was mesmerizing. He could fully articulate how he could take the mindfulness skills he learned in school and apply them at home. One example is how he chose to handle a situation between him and his brother. On one of his birthdays his brother broke some of his gifts. He thought about the reaction he would take. He asked his brother to leave the room to give himself time to cool off and choose his course of action. 

Feb 28, 2017

Dealing with Feelings Brings Kids to a Healthy Place!

When you woke up today, you probably didn’t know you would stumble on a fun and refreshing way to teach your children timeless life lessons – like how to identify and channel their emotions in a responsible and constructive way!

In her uplifting new children’s book, Sad Sally, my good friend and colleague, Colleen Aynn, uses graceful rhymes and illustrations to teach children it’s Ok to cry and show emotions.

Feb 27, 2017

Book Review: Hold On, Toby

Hold On, Toby is a delightful story that takes children on an amusing journey.

The bright and cheery illustrations bring Toby's adventure to life as he experiences the life cycle of the four seasons and learns how to trust the evolution of life.

It brings nature into a real living and breathing process. Your child can connect with nature and look at trees in a whole new light, plus experience life through the eyes of a maple leaf.

You can't help but feel connected!
Review by Carol Lawrence and Stacy Toten

Feb 20, 2017

6 Ways To Include Intuition In Your Parenting

Our intuition is always giving us signs.” ~ Author Eileen Fisher

We wanted to share with you a few ways you can include intuition in your parenting.

1. Ask your child how a particular situation made them feel.

2. After a bad day at school, ask them to describe it to you so you can help them process their feelings.

3. Show your children how to listen, feel, see, and experience their connections.

Feb 16, 2017

11 Habits That Lead To A Healthier, Happier You!

In these busy times, we need to make sure to take time out for ourselves. When we are happy, we reflect our happiness outwards to all those around us helping to create a healthier happier world!

1) Before falling asleep each night, think about what you are thankful and grateful for that day. Visualize what you want your following day to look like. You would be amazed at how well this works for creating a calmer more balanced life.