Showing posts with label Intentional conscious parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Intentional conscious parenting. Show all posts

Sep 24, 2022

Fun Yoga Adventures For Children

A fun way for kids to increase activity, body awareness, and mindfulness is yoga. 

Here are two fun Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure videos, tried, tested, and approved by Carol's granddaughters. 

All kinds of yoga adventures for different age groups. 

Popcorn the Dolphin | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

There's a wide variety to pick from. 

Jul 21, 2021

Free Flowing Child

Free Flowing Child
~By Carol Lawrence and Stacy Toten

(Originally posted on Intentional Conscious Parenting on July 8th, 2010)

All children are spiritual beings that have come to have a human experience. We know each parent wants to have their belief system instilled in their children. We just ask you to allow and not shut off other avenues of exploration for them. Inspired children can think outside of themselves.

What works for you now may not work for your children twenty years from now. No one knows what will be needed in our future. That's why living in the moment is so valuable!

When you are raising a free-flowing child you are brick by brick building their foundation. A foundation is his or her rock! It is what they will rely on, stand on, go to, hold onto whenever it is needed.

Remember your free-flowing child that you are raising will carry their foundation into their adulthood and then begin building their own foundation with their own bricks. You are raising an adult. It is very important to never forget this fact.

These are tools to help form and mold your child's foundation.

Jan 23, 2021

Kids Are Resilient And Have The Ability To Adapt Quickly.

Times are a changing, the thing is they are always changing. We can learn a lot from our kiddos. Kids are resilient, and have the ability to quickly adapt. Why? Because they live in the present moment. 

Watch them play with their toys, interact with a sibling, watch a show. They tune right in. As they get older the conditions and beliefs of life /parents are bestowed upon them. If you see your older kids full of worry, practice demonstrating how to be more present with them. Practice living in the present moment. 

Aug 9, 2017

Children's Book Review l The Boy Who Searched For Silence

The Boy Who Searched For Silence By Andrew Newman
Illustrated By Alexis Aronson

For those of us who start out thinking one thing and Voila! Bam! We find out another reality. We had the answers all along! We just need to be quiet and allow, to get out of our own way. The Boy Who Searched For Silence has a very compelling message and a wide range of emotions. From one extreme to the other.

Children will benefit from reading this book .
In search of bliss, silence, peacefulness and inner peace? Here are your answers parents.

Jan 19, 2017

Children Learn By Example

As parents sometimes we forget how much our children are learning from watching us.

They are little sponges watching our every move and expression.

They feel the energy that we vibrate each and every second.

They hear and mimic the words we say.

So be sure to check in with yourself !

Childrens picture book about connecting with nature
How The Trees Got Their Voices
A delightful children's picture book about connection and nature. 

Apr 28, 2016

Music Is An Expression Of The Soul

In today's societies, closed minded choices are consistently being made through-out our school systems and communities, where greed rules the outcome of what is on the artistic menu.

There are those that see no value in the arts. children who are exposed to the arts are able to express themselves beyond boundaries and confinements. When music is involved it expands their consciousness on so many levels. Anything can be enhanced with the involvement of music.

It awakens a vibration from within that helps them to connect with their raw organic feelings from past, present and future. It can portray an essence of who they are and what their needs may be through movement from dancing, audio from singing, alignment from vibration and contentment from stillness.

Open the floodgates and nourish your child's soul with the expression of music.

Together intuitively Carol and Stacy are fulfilling a calling and a passion to write children's picture books. They provide nurturing tips and encouragement for parents walking an intentional spiritual conscious parenting path by supplying an inviting platform for their established parenting community. Visit Intentional Conscious Parenting for author interviews, book reviews, live author chats and conscious parenting articles. Sign up for our occasional newsletter and receive our free guide: 10 Tips To Parenting Consciously. 

Apr 7, 2016

Intentional Conscious Parenting: Connecting With Nature

Hi everyone, we created a new video for you. This weeks conscious parenting tip is from Chapter Five of our upcoming parenting book 10 Tips For Parenting Consciously. This weeks tip is all about connecting with nature.

Connecting with nature is one of the methods we feel can truly help your child become balanced and grounded. Walking barefoot can connect you and your child with the currents of the earth if you allow it. Children can't help but feel the energy from the earth as it penetrates their physical body and nourishes their soul.

Jun 6, 2014

Children Don't Need Fixing - A Conscious Parenting Approach

Here are two short videos with Dr. Shefali with Oprah on Own. Both of them are really good and we wanted to make sure you had a chance to see them. Enjoy!!

A full on parenting approach. Parenting from a place of intunement.

Dr. Shefali Tsabary: Children Don't Need Fixing - Super Soul Sunday - OWN

The One Thing Children Want (That Money Can't Buy) - Super Soul Sunday - OWN

Oct 17, 2013

Let There Be Peace On Earth And Let It Begin With Me!

Recently Stacy's daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter took a fieldtrip to The RedSun Labyrinth in Victor Montana. She came home, full of life. Her spirit was lit up. She was totally balanced and grounded from connecting with the vibration and energy of the Labyrinth. She couldn't stop talking about all the fun she had. While at the Labyrinth she walked in silence through the spiral maze tuning into and feeling the energy.

Sep 10, 2013

"When we lose the permission to pause, we lose access to wisdom." ~ A Reflection On Words Of Wisdom From Lisa Grace Byrne

When we read the article, When we lose permission to reflect… By Lisa Grace Byrne we knew we needed to share it with you. Lisa touches on a very important issue about reacting. She reflects on the current situation in Syria as an example. Do you react in your parenting or do you take time to pause and think about your response?

Jul 18, 2013

Are You Teaching Your Children The Art Of Forgiveness?

As a follow up to my post last week called Your Worlds Are Merging And Your Children Know It and my latest review of Penney Peirce's newest book Leap Of Perception: The Transforming Power of Your Attention I wanted to touch on the subject of forgiveness.

Penney shares some very powerful information surrounding forgiveness. She begins by sharing a quote from Joan Borysenko, "Forgiveness is not the misguided act of condoning irresponsible, hurtful behavior, Nor is it a superficial turning of the other cheek that leaves us feeling victimized and martyred. Rather, it is the finishing of old business that allows us to experience the present, free of contamination from the past."

This particularly struck a cord within me. I've always found it rather easy to forgive and move on. I'm not one to hold grudges. I know people make mistakes during their human experience. I'm also a Libra and have an innate ability to find the balance in every situation. On the other hand I've been around many who hold on tightly to their unforgiveness, judgments and anger. I've seen it first hand passed on to their children. Children sometimes assume the same limiting beliefs as their parents and take on their parents feelings and judgements as their own.

Mar 12, 2013

Inner Power And Inner Beauty Is What Really Matters

Stacy was sitting in a doctors office this past Friday and saw this awesome quote in Parent and Child Magazine. There was no author mentioned so we are just crediting the magazine. It was so perfectly stated we just had to share!

"Balance your communication. There's nothing wrong with admiring your son's strength or your daughter's beauty. But don't forget to be just as enthusiastic about their creativity, kindness or ingenuity. Doing so allows them to know that in their most important relationships (now and in the future), it's their inner power and beauty that will really matter." ~ Parent And Child Magazine

Feb 20, 2013

Our Article "The Power of Color" is In The Winter Issue Of Pathways To Wellness Magazine!

We are excited to share with you that our article "The Power of Color" is in the winter issue of Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine.

Pathways to Family Wellness collaborates with consciousness leaders, cutting-edge scientists and researchers, families on a conscious path, holistic practitioners, and dynamic nonprofit organizations to bring the most current insights into wellness to their readers. We were honored when they emailed us and asked if they could use our article. Some of you may have read it already right here on Intentional Conscious Parenting, we have a whole page dedicated to color.

Feb 13, 2013

10 Resources To Support You Along Your Parenting Path.

Parenting is not always easy. It comes with triumphs and tribulations. We wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. We were born to be parents. It definitely wasn't always easy, even as our children get older it's not always easy. Once a parent, always a parent. Your roles shift and change as your children grow up into adults, you may still want to take their pain away, protect them from poor choices and guide them, but there comes a time when you have to step back and let them navigate their own path. 

Oct 6, 2011

Autumn Updates And Some Colorful Information

How is everyone? Fall is in the air here. You can smell the crisp leaves and feel the cool air. We are preparing to buckle down for winter and nurture our inner-selves with more contemplation and planning time. Some of our best writing comes through during the winter months. For now though we are relishing is the autumn scents and incredible colors. What are your autumn plans?

Our friend Maureen Simon has offered a special invitation for anyone who would like to join in her Autumn Renewal Teleconference. ~ The first 50 people to enter her contest with a video or written entry will win a free spot.

Full details:

Opportunities to clarify, refresh, renew and reprioritize.

Via telephone bridge line – participate from anywhere in the world.
Autumn for many marks a new beginning. Activities reignite while the day darkens and shortens. This is a wonderful time of year to regroup.
Join us for two one and a half hour tele-seminars as we savor the joys of autumn and consciously explore where we are in our life currently as we determine what’s most important to us as we enter this powerful and reflective season.

Dates: October 11th and 18th
Time: 12 noon – 1:30 PT
Cost: $69.00

The first fifty entries to the Autumn Renewal Contest will win a complimentary pass to Autumn Renewal.

How do you get in touch with the season? Does autumn enhance your life energy? How does it enhance your life? How do you regroup in the autumn?
Create a video or write a paragraph or two and submit your entry.

To enter share your video on The Essential Feminine Facebook Page
Or email your written entry to:

Maureen will hand select entries to be placed on The Essential Feminine Blog.
Ready....Set....Go..Submit your entry!

Here's an article we found we thought we would share with you.
Are Standards of Beauty Redefined By Going Make-up Free? - Education - GOOD: 'via Blog this'

Oct 2, 2011

Grace, Alexandra and Leigh share their thoughts about our Intentional Conscious Parenting Community

"Intentional Conscious parenting brings me together with like minded people. I'm always delighted with the variety of subjects discussed and shared on the site. Each area covers the ways we can participate within our family and communities as a whole to benefit our health in mind, body and soul." ~ Grace Hodgin 

Grace is a mother, grandmother and is very artistic. Visit her blog to see all her amazing jewelry for sale. Carol's favorite is her green man necklaces.

"Intentional Conscious Parenting is a virtual community vested in nurturing and inspiring the spirits of parents and children.  It shares creative visions on conscious living and opens doors for authors like me to connect with other soulful travelers.  I have found virtual community with visionaries and teachers I never knew exsisted.  Thank you ICP...I am GRATEFUL for your support and wisdom!" ~ Alexandra Folz
Here's our full review of Indigo's Bracelet.

What ICP means to me...

Sep 25, 2011

Stacy Toten On Intentional Conscious Parenting

Our focused listening from within, can really tune in our sensitivities, bringing us a wealth of insight about ourselves and the world around us. Listening, I mean really listening to your child can provide valuable information about them as individuals. Some children have a hard time expressing themselves. If you raise them in an intentional conscious way you will sense this and be able to talk about and walk them through their issues and fears that may arise or that they may be trying to hide. As parents this would be a good time to read between the lines, trust your feelings and help them to vocalize their concerns. This is a choice we as humans have to listen quietly from within and act on our intuition.  We are all born with this so why not enhance this valuable tool so that our children can utilize it their whole lives. One way it can be described is as our inner guidance system. It comes completely intact when you are born, you just need to acknowledge and utilize it by listening, staying in touch with your feelings and intuition, trusting what's coming through you and knowing that your angels and guides are always with you.

The more you acknowledge and develop this tool it just becomes second nature to you.