Showing posts with label conscious parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conscious parenting. Show all posts

Apr 18, 2013

All hands on deck lets your child know that you are fully engaged!

"All hands on deck lets your child know that you are fully engaged.
Your actions speak louder than words." ~ Stacy Toten And Carol Lawrence

Mar 12, 2013

Inner Power And Inner Beauty Is What Really Matters

Stacy was sitting in a doctors office this past Friday and saw this awesome quote in Parent and Child Magazine. There was no author mentioned so we are just crediting the magazine. It was so perfectly stated we just had to share!

"Balance your communication. There's nothing wrong with admiring your son's strength or your daughter's beauty. But don't forget to be just as enthusiastic about their creativity, kindness or ingenuity. Doing so allows them to know that in their most important relationships (now and in the future), it's their inner power and beauty that will really matter." ~ Parent And Child Magazine

Feb 20, 2013

Our Article "The Power of Color" is In The Winter Issue Of Pathways To Wellness Magazine!

We are excited to share with you that our article "The Power of Color" is in the winter issue of Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine.

Pathways to Family Wellness collaborates with consciousness leaders, cutting-edge scientists and researchers, families on a conscious path, holistic practitioners, and dynamic nonprofit organizations to bring the most current insights into wellness to their readers. We were honored when they emailed us and asked if they could use our article. Some of you may have read it already right here on Intentional Conscious Parenting, we have a whole page dedicated to color.

Dec 24, 2012

Thank You Jennifer Laurent For Sharing Our Blog In Your Recent Article

We would like to send out a big thank you to author Jennifer Laurent for featuring Intentional Conscious Parenting in her recent article 12 Conscious Parenting/Living Blogs.

We hope you will venture over to Jennifer's website to see her list of 12 blogs that inspire her. Gluten free cooking, spirituality, organic recipes, conscious parenting, positive living and gratitude are just a few of the topics covered. 

Jennifer is also the author of a new book Excerpts From The Heart Of A Mom

Dec 17, 2012

How to release control and shift from resistance to cooperation.

We received a request on Facebook to answer this question.

How to release control and shift from resistance to cooperation.

Here's our answer... TRUST

Example:  Your teenage daughter has been begging you to go to the show with a group of friends from school. Your struggling with letting her go because you are concerned if the group is really going to the show. Your thoughts are spinning. Is there going to be any alcohol involved? You really don't know all the people she will be going to the show with. Will he/she be safe?

Is your mind spirally out of control because your in a situation you cannot control?

Dec 16, 2012

Please join us in sending our heartfelt condolences to those involved effected by the Connecticut tragedy.

We have been deeply saddened by the tragic events that took place in Connecticut this past week.
We have had many family discussions surrounding the events and will be sharing our thoughts as soon as we are able to gather our thoughts and put them on paper. We feel there's an underlying current here that needs to be looked at further. For now we would just like to extend our heartfelt condolences to all those effected.

We invite you to join us in sending love and light to those in need and all around the world in this time of need.

Namaste, Carol Lawrence & Family , Stacy Toten & Family

Thank you Rachel Toten for creating the following message for us to share with the world.

Nov 1, 2012

Parenting and the Law of Attraction By Christina Fletcher

"We are spiritual, resonating beings. What we feel sends off ripples through our being, and what we think about, the perspective from which we see what comes our way, create the feeling space we walk around in."

Oh, we've all been there. Those days when nothing seems to go right: our children can’t find their shoes, we run late, get stuck in traffic and then, of course, a diaper needs changing. Parenting can truly create the most frustrating scenarios, and they always seem to run in threads, when really, we can’t help but think the only thing we can do is let them run their course and hope we get to bed early. But then, usually someone is teething or sick and there’s no sleep to be had. What is behind the cycle and how do we break them? Oh sure, some may say it’s just bad luck, but is it really?

The Law of Attraction has been talked about in whispers for years and maybe a little louder lately. The principle behind it is “That like itself is drawn”, basically that something attracts more of the same, hence, the “run” of bad luck. When something frustrates us, and we really get frustrated, than we send out a clear signal of Frustration and the universe feels the signal, assumes we’re asking for more, and sends us more of the same. And more, and more, and more… until the signal is changed. I like to explain it to my children as how we feel acts like a giant magnet and it always pulls to us what’s the same as the magnet we’re holding up.

We are spiritual, resonating beings. What we feel sends off ripples through our being, and what we think about, the perspective from which we see what comes our way, create the feeling space we walk around in. The Law of Attraction picks that feeling space up and our day, and the things that fall in its way, is created.

Aug 16, 2012

A Conversation With Author Simon Paul Harrison

We recently had the opportunity to interview Simon Paul Harrison. Simon is the author of The Truly Alive Child ~ For Those Who Seek A Grander Vision For Our Children.

Stacy and Carol: First of all what was your childhood like?

Simon:Like everyone else, I always considered my childhood normal. It’s not till weget older and have some perspective, do we discover that none of us have a“normal” childhood. I was quite happy really, playing soccer, riding my bike.We had fields behind our house where we would build shelters and play games. Wewere always out and about. I had a lot of freedom that seems to havedisappeared for children very rapidly.

Stacy and Carol: What would you have liked to have asked your parents to change, stop 
or start todo with you while you were achild?
Simon: Great question! This one really made methink. There’s an awful lot of things I would have answered at the time of mychildhood, but now looking back on them, they were all wonderful experiences.For example, we lost part of our pocket money if we left lights on, which was areal drag at the time. But looking back on it now, it was a great lesson inenergy conservation! I’m very happy in my life, so it’s hard to say thatsomething held me back. I think I was allowed to watch too much television, butboth my parents worked really hard to pay the bills, so I can’t reallycriticize them. But, if I have to pick something,  it would have beennice, looking back, to have spent less time in front of a television.

Stacy and Carol: What made you choose the John Lennon quote at the start ofyour book? 
Simon: Because it’s wonderfully simple and tothe point! I appreciate simplicity.

Stacy and Carol:  At what age did yourmind think of this concept you write about? Being truly alive and conscious ofthe role you have as a parent?
Simon:  Itreally began to emerge when I was an elementary school teacher in England, somid-twenties. In many ways I was amazed how damaging huge parts of theeducation system were to children. Most of all, arbitrary destinations werechased after without ever questioning them, which I found to be very worrying.The ability to question everything we create is fundamental. Things are everchanging and the ability to move with the flow of life is crucial foreverybody’s peace and joy. 

Jul 19, 2012

Why a Deep Connection to Nature is so Vital For our Children

Guest article by Simon Paul Harrison

In a world of cell phones, computers and technology, our children have become increasingly separated from nature. With every step away from the earth a real sense of identity has been lost. Peace, joy, creativity, and a true sense of connection to all life have been eroded. In the place of these have risen fear, greed and violence. Away from nature, children have forgotten who they really are.

If we are to support our children in regaining what we know deep in our hearts is their birthright, to walk as one with life, we must start by re-connecting them with nature.

There are numerous studies showing that time in nature is good for our physical health, but that is not the full extent of the benefit. Arguably far more powerful is the connection with the flow of life that is nourished. With positive experiences close to nature, children no longer see themselves as separate individuals, all fighting against one another for their survival. They realize they are as connected to the trees as they are to their legs, as much a part of the oceans as their hair is to them. This is undoubtedly life changing, and it’s so wonderfully simple!

Nature is such a miraculous teacher for our children because she expects nothing from them. The river doesn’t expect them to think certain thoughts. The plants don’t expect them to say certain words. The mountains don’t expect them to act a certain way. And so nature reminds our children that they have always been free.

This is easy to forget because children become so rapidly heavy and burdened by all the expectations they take on from modern society. We force them to carry hundreds of beliefs, perceptions and judgments around with them that they forget their true, peaceful, connected nature. In particular we educate children to live the illusions that they must chase happiness, run after success, and compete against everything and everyone.

But when we support our children in stepping gently on the earth they find they can let go of all those illusions and plug themselves back in to the flow of life. Without all those expectations a shadow is lifted and they remember who they really are. There’s nothing to chase, nothing to run after, nothing to outcompete. They are perfect. Here, and now. Nature expects nothing from children, and so she gives everything.

We tend to think that the solutions to the challenges we have created for our children are terribly complicated. That it must require special technology, new drugs, different research, or more information. But time and again we see what simply being allowed to play in nature does for children. Through my work I’ve had the privilege of supporting thousands of children on the path to re-connecting with nature and I’ve seen the same things happen over and over again. Children know deep down who they are. They know they are peaceful, joyful, creative and deeply connected. That seed of re-connection is nourished perfectly by nature, and when it is, the blossoming of children is one of the most beautiful experiences to witness.

As adults we can all support this re-connection right now. Children don’t need the names of plants or facts about animals. They just need to be allowed to play, without the pressure of society wondering if their activity will help them get ahead, be successful, or help them pass exams. Their unburdened play in nature is already bringing them the ultimate success: The experience of walking as one with life. Peace, joy and creativity are with them every step of the way.

Simon Paul Harrison is the author of The Truly Alive Child and the founder of Wild Earth’s Children. For more information, free resources and to order your copy of the book, go to

Author Bio

Simon Paul Harrison is the author of The Truly Alive Child, a visionary and life-changing book, and the founder and director of Wild Earth's Children, a non-profit dedicated to re-connecting people to nature.

Simon began working with children as an elementary school teacher in his native England. Here the seeds were planted to seek a way to connect children with the flow of life and return children to experiences of deep peace and joy.

After a number of years he came to America to learn from world renowned nature teacher Tom Brown Jr. Simon fell in love with the natural world and never looked back. He has taught people how to re-connect with nature and a deeper sense of peace, joy and creativity all over North America, including Alaska, New England, and the Cree Nation in Quebec.

Simon felt the calling of his vision urging him westwards where he founded Wild Earth’s Children and wrote The Truly Alive Child. He lives in Colorado with his wife Katherine

Jun 21, 2012

Calling All Parents~Ignite The Light Event With Vicki Savini

Calling All Parents! Have you heard about Vicki Savini's free online event? 

Ignite the Light: Creating Strong Foundations for Children and Adults
Vicki Savini Live Online Event

Date: June 26, 2012, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Pacific Time
Sponsored by: Hay House
Format: Live Online Event

featured authors  
hosted by
Hay House Radio

Sign Up Here
event description  
Have you ever taken the time to look at how your childhood affects the current life you lead today? 

Let’s face it, when children are born, no one is given a manual that describes how to teach them to navigate the waters of life successfully. We simply do the best we can, to teach our children well, based on the tools we acquired from our own experiences. At the ripe ‘ole age of five, our children go to school and are given tools to be academically successful, but they are not likely to get tools to help them to honor the light within, which is certainly the most important lesson in life.

What if, as parents and teachers, we were given tools to teach our children how to shine that light within and be true to themselves, not only today, but in their future? What if those same tools could also help YOU to ignite your own light?

Whether your childhood was horrific, picture perfect, or something in between, your childhood was your foundation, and it’s simply too precious to ignore!

If we want to create positive changes in our world, we need to begin by creating solid foundations for our youth. In the process, you are sure to repair and strengthen your own foundation.

In this timeless Live Online Event, Vicki Savini will educate, enlighten, and empower you to create strong foundations for our children and strengthen and repair your own foundation so that you can be your absolute best!

Vicki is a mindful mother and teacher who educates, enlightens, and empowers children and adults to be their absolute best. She teaches ‘out of the box’ strategies in the public school system. Vicki is a life coach, an author, and a dynamic inspirational speaker who has touched countless lives with her simple, yet divinely inspired life strategies. She was a Speak, Write & Promote: Movers & Shakers Conference attendee, who was chosen to bring her very important message to you, through Hay House.

During this 90 minute event you will…

  • Learn the importance of childhood as our foundation in life.

  • Understand the essentials of building strong foundations for our children.

  • Embrace simple tools to repair and strengthen your own foundation.

  • Be empowered to reveal your true self and guide children to always shine the light within!

Pause for a moment (or perhaps 90 minutes) and take the time to find your true reflection by honoring the child within and pledging to educate, enlighten, and empower the children in your life. Take this step with me to Ignite the Light!

Please Note: Hay House is bringing this special live online event to you for free! If you can’t make the live event, it will be for sale in our on demand library the following week.

May 22, 2012

Great parenting conversation about teaching children about law of attraction, universal laws and feelings.

Check out these new conversations from our parenting community

From the Beginning . . . Hi, glad to be starting this conversation and I hope some of you jump right in with your thoughts.  I'm reasonably new to this site and so glad I found like-minded people to share with :-) I chose this group because the 'law of attraction' or similarly,'cause and effect' is something that I... read more... Powered by BlogFrog

May 21, 2012

The Crossroads Of Humanity. By Carol Lawrence

Humanity is at a crossroads. An unfolding of many collective layers.

           A cross-roads in time that will determine the fate of our species.

We are making choices right now that will determine the path of our collective future. Mother Earth is changing at a rapid rate. As she speeds up, we speed up too. Our pulse rate increases, we might become dizzy or short of breath. We are generating a large amount of heat. There are 7 billion people on planet earth right now. Many souls have chosen to be here at this time to witness and become apart of the change. Our magnetic field is lessening.

In planetary history. When the magnetic fields have lost their magnification the polls have shifted. Are the poles going to shift again. It's quite possible. To learn more about magnetics and the possibility of our poles shifting follow Gregg Braden. He is one of the leaders in this field and comes from a very open minded perspective backing his knowledge with science.

As we are leaving the “iron” age and begin transmuting and changing as we move into the “golden” or “intuition” age things are beginning to look different. Many are at this point now. Many are not. Many will leave. It's ok for each and every one to transition or change as they need to, to be able to fit in with mother's earth new plan. Mother earth is a thinking, living, breathing being. The time of living on such a wonderful being with disconnect is ending.

Humanity as a whole is waking up from a long slumber. The intuition age has arrived.

What are some of the wonderful attributes we have to look forward to in this new age that is dawning on our planet?

  • A deepening connection to our planet is unfolding.
  • More telepathy. People are going to speak more with their minds. Secrets will not be able to be hidden like they once were due to this enhanced ability by many. Many children arrive with this ability already.
  • Leading more intuitive based lives. Does this job feel right for me? Does this way of eating feel right for my body at this time? Does this way of learning benefit my child?
  • Parenting takes on a whole new role. Parents are becoming more aware of the intelligence that is right before them and realizing they are also students in life as much as their children. Prioritizing their children, building solid foundations, growing unbreakable connections and living more sustainable lives will become the focus. Life and her wonders become the teacher again.
  • A disconnect from consumerism and the need for “stuff” will be replaced with adventure, connections and deeper relationships.
  • Sustainable living that is conducive for all not just one. Boundaries are dissolving. It will become more about the we instead of the me. “If I dump this into my landfill or blast it into the air who will be effected by it?”
  • The comprehensive realization that the air we breath is shared all around the world will engulf many. What I do matters!
  • Doorways to new worlds will open. Manifesting is becoming quicker and easier with more focused thoughts and feelings.
  • Life can and will be lived fully with intent by many.

Life as we know it is changing. What kind of life will you be manifesting and co-creating for you, your family, your planet? The choice is yours.

Written By: Carol Lawrence 

Carol Lawrence is an energetic practitioner, blogger, children's author, social media manager, author interviewer, book reviewer, intuitive parenting adviser, and co-host of The Intentional Conscious Parenting Show. She has been happily married for twenty-five years, a mother of two Indigo sons, has several animals and loves nature, exploring the human mind, spirituality, reading, writing, mother earth, walking around in the forests of Montana and doing her part to make the world a better place. 

Apr 5, 2012

Music An Expression Of The Soul

Music An Expression Of The Soul

In todays societies, closed minded choices are consistently being made through-out our school systems and communities, where greed rules the outcome of what is on the artistic menu.

There are those that see no value in the arts. children who are exposed to the arts are able to express themselves beyond boundaries and confinements. When music is invoved it expands their consciousness on so many levels. Anything can be enhanced with the involvement of music.

It awakens a vibration from within that helps them to connect with their raw organic feelings from past, present and future. It can portray an essence of who they are and what their needs may be through movement from dancing, audio from singing, alignment from vibration and contentment from stillness.

Open the floodgates and nourish your child's soul with the expression of music.

Originally shared at

Oct 20, 2011

How are you feeling during this time of unrest around the world.

'man-relaxing-in-the-grass_8954-480x359' photo (c) 2010, Emilian Robert Vicol - license:

How are you feeling during this time of frustration and unrest taking place around the world right now? Are you still able to find your zen?

We are in mid October, the season of fall. It's refreshing, full of brilliant colors and stimulating scents. The kids are back in school or back on their home-school schedules. Life is rolling along.

Even though the scenery is stunning and the air is filled with change, there's an underlying feeling of restlessness.

We are wondering how you are feeling. Are your kids aware of what's going on and do you talk about it with them.

Are you nervous about 2012? We wrote an article about 2012 awhile back that we feel is relevant to revisit now.

2012 ~ The Beginning. There are two parts so be sure to read them both.

We want you to know we are here to discuss the planetary and inner personal shifts everyone is going through. Feel free to share you fears, feelings and thoughts on the matter.

The time that's been spoken about is here. A time of transparency, a time when the Indigo's and Crystals can no longer tolerate the road that's been laid before them to be the norm. A time of great challenges and great change. We personally are looking forward to the change. It's not always easy but it is needed. Reach out to your like minded friends, surround yourself with positive people, focus on what you really want to create in your life and get ready to embrace all that is. This is an incredible time to be alive on planet earth. It is no accident that you are here at this time. There are two main streams of consciousness right now. A stream of fear which can lead to much stress and uncertainty. The second stream is love based on trust and faith that change is needed but an inner knowing it will all work it's self out in the end.

When we choose to tap into and participate in the stream of love, we are aware of what's going on but choose to stay grounded and keep it all in perspective. It's a great idea to create healthy boundaries and limit how much news and negativity you expose yourself and your children to. How do you stay balanced? Connected?

Embrace the shift in energy and the acceleration of intuitive skills and connection to source.

Thanks for reading our blog and for choosing a path of intentional conscious parenting.

Namaste, Carol and Stacy

What is 2012?  "A movement from what was to what is.
Children will absorb this in a way we do not understand, for it
will simply be their world. It would be ignorant to try and shield them of this change." Read the rest of the article here!

Oct 11, 2011

Intentional Conscious Parenting is a way of being with our children.

Intentional conscious parenting is a way of being with our children.  It is a choice.  I choose this path of parenting because it supports my instinctive desire to live through my awareness.  It asks me to BE a watcher of my children AND of myself in relationship to them.  It asks me to listen.  It asks me to wait.  Watch my reactions.  And choose to interact with my kids with compassion for who they are and have always been.  It asks me to listen and watch some more.  It helps me see who I am.  It allows me to accept myself and my children, at each moment, with trust that what is before me is as it ought to be…so we both can learn how to be even more compassionate companions.  It encourages me to expand beyond and transform my personal beliefs.  Quite simply, it asks me to respond to my instinctive awareness and my ability to love unconditionally. ~ Alexandra Folz

Follow Alexandra on The Blogfrog
Join Carol, Stacy, Alexandra and several other authors for our All-Star Live Chat 
Tuesday October 18th. 
Right here at 9 PM Eastern, 
8 Central, 7 Mountain, Pacific. 

Sign up for our Intentional Conscious Parenting 
Newsletter to keep in 

Sep 26, 2011

Live chat with Cathy Cassani Adams

Look Who's Back!
Cathy Cassani Adams will be here to join Carol and Stacy on The Intentional Conscious Parenting Show tomorrow Tuesday September 27th. Join us for a live interactive free online chat!

Cathy will be sharing her insights and tips on conscious parenting, telling us all about her new book The Self-Aware Parent Two 23 More Lessons For Growing With Your Children and answering all your questions.

Where? In our ICP Blogfrog Community Click Here
When? Tuesday September 27th 9 PM Eastern, 8 Central, 7 Mountain and 6 Pacific

Tip: Click the link above sign in and create a quick profile on The Blogfrog. This will make joining the live chat really easy. This also allows other people to connect with your blog or website.

Sponsors and prizes:
Grace from Blessed Elements has hand crocheted a special bookmark for a lucky winner. 
M.A.S.S. 101 Man Approaching Simple Soulutions by Ed and Stacy Toten
The Self-Aware Parent Two By Cathy Cassani Adams
A special children's book by Howard B Wigglebottom 

Connect with Cathy:
Join Cathy and her husband Todd on

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"The Self-Aware Parent Two provides the right mix of soothing reassurance and priceless information to make it a must-buy for every parent." Dr. Shefali Tsabary, author of The Conscious Parent